?關(guān)于不同船旗國對(duì)船舶圖書配備的要求 近期我司各輪在FSC和PSC檢查中屢屢出現(xiàn)因船舶配備圖書資料不齊全或沒有更新版本而留有缺陷為了避免類似缺陷重復(fù)出現(xiàn)公司特制定如下《船舶航海圖書配備清單》請(qǐng)各輪參考下表所列清單并根據(jù)體系文件的要求進(jìn)行配備。巴拿旗船舶則參考巴拿馬運(yùn)河管理局PMANO107海事通告見后香港旗船舶則參考本次通報(bào)附件1。 海監(jiān)室 2007.10.19 船舶航海圖書配備清單 根據(jù)國際公約、港口國及船旗國要求 巴拿馬旗船 To:Owners/Operators of Panamanian flag Vessels,Class Societies andAuthorized Organizations Subject:Publ ications and Records required on vessels of 500 grosstonnage or above with International Registration in the PanamanianReg istry This Merchant Marine Circularcircular replaces MMC No.98. A. Publ ications 1 . Navigational Charts appropriate for the area of navigation 2. Corresponding Notices to Mariners 3. Pi lot charts 4. Nautical Almanac 5. Pi lot Books and Sai l ing Directions 6. TideTables 7. Light List 8. Navigation Tables 9. IMO Routing Schemes 10. IMO MARPOL 1 1 . IMO SOLAS 12. IMOCOLREGS 13. IMO Port State Control Procedures 14. International Code of Signals 15.Radio Aids to Navig*ation 16.List of Cal l Stations 17.List of Coast Stations 18.List of Radio Determination and special service stations 19.Manual foruse bythe Maritime Mobi le and Maritime Satel l ite Stations 20. International Life Saving Appl iances Code(LSA Code) (ResolutionMSC.48(66)) 21 . International Medical Guide forShips(Publ ication of theWorld HealthOrganization) 22. IMO Emergency Procedures for Ships Carrying Dangerous Goods(onlyforvessels carrying dangerous goods) 23. IMO Medical FirstAid Guide for Use in Accidents Involving DangerousGoods(MFAG) (onlyforvessels carrying dangerous goods) 24. IMO International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code(onlyforvesselscarrying dangerous goods) 25.Panamanian Merchant Marine Circulars 5/6頁 A. Plans and Instructions 1 . Muster List and Emergency Instructions 2. Damage Control Plans or Booklets(foral l passengervessels and drycargo vessels constructed on or after 1 February 1992) 3. Fire Control Plans 4. Fire Equipment Booklet of instructions(optional instead of item 3) 5. Shipboard Oi l Pol lution Emergency Plan(SOPEP) (shal l be approvedby a recognized organization) 6. Intact Stabi l ity Booklet 7. Dangerous good manifest or stowage plan(if the vessel carriesdangerous goods) 8. Garbage Management Plan(in accordance with AnnexV MARPOL) 9. SOLAS Training Manual 10.Shipboard Management Documentation(if the ISM Code is appl icableto the vessel) A. Cargo Securing Manual (in accordance with MSC Circ.745)Records 1 . Compass Error Record Book(magnetic and gyro) 2. Chronometer Rate Record Book 3. Radio Direction Finder Cal ibration Chart orTable(forvessels that carrythe RDF) 4. Radar Record book 5. Radar Maintenance Record Book 6. Garbage Record book(MARPOL Annex V) 7. Oi l Record Book(MARPOL Annex I) 8. Cargo Record Book(MARPOL Annex I I) 9. GMDSS Maintenance Record Book 10.Engine Room Logbook 1 1 .Engine Room Bel l Book 12.Radio Logbook 13.Bridge Logbook 14.Bridge Bel l Book 15.Crew Rol l List (endorsed by a Panamanian Official or Official Edition) 16.Official Logbook(endorsed by a Panamanian Official or the OfficialLogbook Edition) 17.Panamanian Annual Safety Inspection Record *Listof Cal l Signs and Numerical Identities Used bythe Maritime Mobi le andMaritime Mobi le-Satel l ite Services for vessels trading in Sea Area A3.List ofShip Stations forvessels trading in Sea Area A2 |