Telegram channel,歡迎訂閱(下載app修改privacy設置;拷貝地址用瀏覽器打開(微信打開無效);點擊“join/進入”): https:///MoshangUS 電報讀者群 https:/// KY6EeBC-aXYzNmMx 陌上美國推特 陌上美國YouTube頻道(email登錄YouTube,訂閱): https://www./c/MOSHANGUSA Noscens的使命 我們是一群北美人文保守群體在美國所成立的非營利組織,致力于推廣人文經典和保守理念,以抗衡當今世界的左翼浪潮,透過帶領人們重拾人文經典,思考重要問題。 特別聲明: 我們尚未以任何形式公開募款,請警惕任何相關的詐騙與不實訊息。 我們的網站正在優(yōu)化建設中,敬請期待。 如果您對我們有意向了解與支持,敬請來信 我們歡迎新成員,成員地理位置不限于北美。歡迎您來信了解。 Noscens, a U.S.-based organization, is dedicated to the mission of promoting humanistic classical education and taking initiatives to counteract against radicalism. Since its establishment in 2020, we have organized over hundreds of online lectures in the U.S. and abroad. We work closely with local communities across the country through the promotion of Western canons and Eastern classics and the conservation of the American Founding heritage. |
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