Nit Off 是一款水基型 用于氣體滲氮的防滲保護涂料。 Nit Off is a water based nitriding stop-off. 特性/CHARACTERISTICS 灰綠色糊狀 Thick grey-green paste
有輕微氣味 Slight and pleasant smell
可通過刷涂和浸蘸簡單使用 Very easily applicable by brush and immersion
高效的涂層帶來均勻滲層 High coating power resulting in perfectly uniform surfaces
可能以任何比例與水混合 Possible to mix with water in all proportions
即使是在不完全脫脂的表面也能有很好的粘附性和保護效果 Very good adhence and protection,even on components not perfectly degreased.
在使用后的很長時間里也不會失去防滲效果或脫落 Nit Off does not deteriorate or flake for long periods after its application
Nit Off是一款防沖擊產(chǎn)品 Nit Off is shock resistent 如有必要,干燥后的Nit Off可以手動去除 If necessary,once dried,Nit Off can be manually removed 使用上完全安全 Totally safe to use and to handle 不易燃 Non flammable
Nit Off不需要有機溶劑稀釋,水是其唯一的溶劑。當表面的水分完全蒸發(fā)后,即可進爐進行熱處理加工。 Nit Off does not contain any organic solvents.Water is its only solvent.
干燥后的保護層是不吸濕的 The dried protection is non-hygroscopic
使用/USE 使用前,搖晃并將產(chǎn)品攪拌均勻(可防止由于儲存問題而產(chǎn)生的沉淀) Before use,shake and amalgamate the paste well(it might present a slight deposit at the bottom due to storage) 使用方法/APPLICATION Nit Off可通過刷涂法和浸蘸使用。 Nit Off can be applied by brush,immersion or spraying. 即使需要防滲的區(qū)域沒有做到完全的清潔、脫脂,Nit Off也能帶來不錯的防滲效果。 Even if the parts to be coated should preferably be clean,degreased,non-oxidated and dry,Nit Off gives satisfactory results on not perfectly clean surfaces. 注意:在過于潮濕、油污的表面,Nit Off可能會滑動 Note:on very greasy or very wet surfaces Nit Off tends to run before drying. 刷涂法: 在Nit Off可以使用后,用軟毛刷薄涂一層于需要防滲的區(qū)域(當涂料過于粘稠時,建議加入2%的清水稀釋) BRUSH APPLICATION: Spread a thin layer of Nit Off as it is ready to use(dilute with water only if the product appears too viscous due to drying which might result following imperfect storage) 為了更好的涂抹工藝,建議使用軟毛刷,避免刷痕。建議涂刷0.2/0.5mm厚度的涂層。 Do not use a stiff brush in order to avoid streaking.The surface of the part to be protected must be coated with a uniform layer about 0.2/0.5mm. 浸蘸:簡單的將需要防滲的部位浸入持續(xù)攪拌的Nit Off中。 IMMERSION:Simply dip the part into Nit Off,which should be mixed should be mixed in continuation. 干燥/DRYING 在高溫環(huán)境中干燥大約30分鐘 Approximately 30 minutes in a dry and preferably warm environment. 熱處理前去除保護層/STRIPPING OF THE PROTECTIVE COMPOUND BEFORE HEAT TREATMENT Nit Off可以從錯誤的防滲區(qū)域簡單地去除,干燥后的涂層可以通過刮刀機械去除。如果需要將涂層完全的從工件表面去除,可以將其浸入水中,Nit Off會以薄膜的形式完整脫落。(干燥后的保護層不再是水溶的,有機溶液是其唯一的溶劑) Nit Off can easily be removed from erroneously coated areas,the dried coating can be removed mecanically by using a scraper or rasor blade. 熱處理后去除表面殘留/REMOVAL OF RESIDUES OF HEAT TREATMENT 通過刷子或噴砂可以去除表面的Nit Off殘留 For removal of Nit Off residues left on surfaces,brushing or where possible light sand-blasting will suffice. 安全性/SAFETY 本產(chǎn)品對使用者是無害的。根據(jù)CEE分類,Nit Off不屬于危險品。 The Nit Off components are not harmful to individuals handling them.They are not designated as dangerous according to the CEE classifications. 儲存/STORAGE Nit Off必須要儲存在+5℃~+35℃的密封條件下,并且不能在冷藏條件下儲存。 Nit Off must be stored at temperatures between +5℃ and +35℃ in well sealed containers and cannot withstand freezing conditions. Thurckon Srl. 瑟肯防滲涂料 意大利總部: 材料熱處理工程師 材料及熱處理是中國制造做專、做精、做強的短板之一,材料是制造業(yè)的基礎(chǔ),熱處理是制造業(yè)的關(guān)鍵,弘揚“工匠精神”,共同提升中國制造核心競爭力。 113篇原創(chuàng)內(nèi)容 公眾號