The final cry on George Floyd’s lips was a call for his mother. 喬治弗洛伊德生前最后的話是在呼喚他的母親。 “It touched upon every fear that I have as a parent of black children,” Crystal McCrary McGuire told Correspondent Deborah Roberts. “作為一名黑人小孩的家長,這一幕揪緊了我的心,”克里斯多·麥凱瑞·麥吉爾告訴聯(lián)合記者德布拉·羅伯特說。 Those words unleashed a plaintive call to action and reflection for mothers all over America. 這些話語說出了整個美國那些悲痛地呼喚對此采取行動和反應的母親的心聲。 We connected with four moms from across the country, all with different upbringings, all pained by conversations they’ve had, or will have with their sons and daughters. 我們聯(lián)系了來自美國的四位母親,她們都有不同的教育方式,但同時都對她們已經(jīng)和將來要跟兒子和女兒們展開的對話感到心痛。 The four moms with diverse stories came together to talk about their shared, but differing experiences raising children in America. 這四位有著不同故事的母親聚到了一起,談論著她們一些共有的而又不同的在美國養(yǎng)育孩子的經(jīng)驗。 Chelsie Dort, who is white, is the mom of four, including three bi-racial children with her Haitan-American husband. 切爾西·多特是白人,也是四個孩子的母親,其中有三個孩子都是跟她的海地,美國混血的丈夫生的。 “It’s not something I ever thought I would need to be prepared to deal with,” Dort told us. “以前我從沒想過自己需要處理這種事情,”多特告訴我們說。 Twila Dang, who is black, lives just miles away from where George Floyd took his last breath, she’s a mom of three and her son is just about to turn 17. 特維拉·唐誰是一名黑人,她住在離喬治·弗洛伊德喪命的地點不遠的地方,有三個孩子,其中兒子快17歲了。 “All of this hits so close to home for us... we can have hard discussions, this is the safest place to do it, at home,” Dang said. “最近這些事離我們家太近了,我們會進行嚴肅的討論,在家感覺是最安全的地方,”唐女士說道。 Across the country in San Francisco, Karen Fleshman, worries about the world her children are entering, and is trying to help them open their eyes to racial injustices. 住在這個國家另一頭的舊金山的凱倫·弗萊什曼則擔心著她的孩子將來會進入怎樣的世界,目前也正試圖幫助他們認識到種族不平等問題。 “We are responsible for the education we give our children,” Fleshman, who is white from San Francisco and the mom of two biracial children whose father Asian-American told us. “我們要對自己孩子受到的教育負責,”弗萊什曼告訴我們,她是來自舊金山的白人,有兩個混血寶寶,她的丈夫是一名亞裔美國人。 She vows to educate her son and daughter in a way she never was. 她立誓要用一種完全不同于自己小時候受到的教育來教育自己的孩子。 “Anything I had learned about racism growing up was harmful and inaccurate and I was part of the problem,” Fleshman said. “我小時候受到的那些關于種族主義的教育十分有害,不正確的,我自己也是這個問題中的一部分,”弗萊什曼說道。 Meanwhile, McCrary Mcguire, who is black, worries about her daughter and her two sons: Cole, 20, is a point guard at the University of North Carolina who hopes to be drafted by an NBA team later this year. 同時,麥凱瑞·麥吉爾作為黑人也很擔心她的女兒和兩個兒子:科爾,20歲了,是北卡羅來納大學的得分后衛(wèi),他希望今年下半年能夠被NBA錄取。 The moms hope conversations like these become more frequent, and help to educate and enlighten others still searching for a path forward on the long winding road ahead. 媽媽們都希望能夠經(jīng)常地舉行這樣的對話,來幫助教育人們,同時在這條布滿荊棘的道路上找到更光明的前路。 ●●●問題 文中提到了幾名黑人母親? 留言回復正確答案,前十朋友可以獲得紅包獎勵哦,趕快來試試吧。 完 感謝關注 跟amber一起看世界 |