1、想我的時候請我吃東西,我馬上到。 Invite me to eat when you miss me. I'll be right there. 2、比起窮這個弱點,丑簡直不值一提。 Compared with the weakness of poverty, ugliness is not worth mentioning. 3、不敢問你喜歡什么樣的女孩,我怕我全符合。 Dare not ask you like what kind of girl, I'm afraid I all meet. 4、今天風(fēng)挺大的,本來想回家的,結(jié)果給我吹到奶茶店來了。 It was windy today. I wanted to go home, but I came to the milk tea shop. 5、每次我一個人走夜路都好害怕,天這么黑,我這么美,真怕別人看不見啊! Every time I walk alone at night, I'm afraid. It's so dark and I'm so beautiful. I'm afraid others can't see me! 6、最近總有人說我很可愛,我想了一晚上沒想通,究竟是誰走漏了風(fēng)聲。 Recently, some people always say that I'm cute. I've been thinking about it all night, but I can't figure out who leaked the news. 7、我的視力已經(jīng)下降到無可救藥的地步了,打開錢包看不到錢,太恐怖了。 My eyesight has dropped to the point of hopelessness. I can't see money when I open my wallet. It's terrible. 8、吃得苦中苦,心里會更堵。 If you eat bitterly, your heart will be more blocked. 9、我們這里晝夜溫差大,所以我超甜。 We have a big temperature difference between day and night, so I'm super sweet. 10、你想一夜暴富嗎?你想衣食無憂嗎?不如跟我在一起,我們一起想。 Do you want to get rich overnight? Do you want food and clothing? Why don't you stay with me? Let's think about it together. 11、有人建議我靠臉吃飯,我偏不,我就靠嘴吃。 Some people suggest that I eat by face, but if I don't, I eat by mouth. 12、學(xué)醫(yī)真的很落后,根本治不了我的貧窮。 It's really backward to study medicine. I can't cure my poverty at all.
來自: 稻香居人 > 《經(jīng)典短語》