Cleaning – general procedures
Cleaning – general proceduresCleaning is important for infection control – particularly in work areas – because deposits of dust, soil and microbes on surfaces can transmit infection. Contaminated areas such as operating rooms or isolation rooms must be cleaned after each session, and spot cleaned after each case or thoroughly cleaned as necessary. The following basic principles should be followed:
Cleaning – specific proceduresSurface cleaningFloors in hospitals and day-care facilities should be cleaned daily or, as necessary, with a vacuum cleaner fitted with a particulate-retaining filter. The filter should be changed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. The exhaust air should be directed away from the floor to avoid dust dispersal. A ducted vacuum cleaning system can also be used, as long as safe venting of the exhaust air is ensured. Damp dusting using a lint-free cloth is essential. Brooms disperse dust and bacteria into the air, and should not be used in patient or clinical areas. Dust-retaining mops, which are specially treated or manufactured to attract and retain dust particles, do not increase airborne counts as much as ordinary brooms and remove more dust from surfaces. However, brooms and dust-retaining mops should not be used in clinical areas where there is a high risk of infection associated with dust (for example, burns units). The procedure for routine surface cleaning is as follows:
Specialised areasIsolation rooms and ensuite bathrooms should be cleaned at least twice daily, depending on the type of microorganism. Operating rooms and day procedure rooms, including endoscopy rooms, should be cleaned after each operating session and when visibly soiled. Thorough cleaning of the operating suite should be performed daily in addition to the cleaning performed after each operating session. Obstetric areas, particularly delivery suites, should be cleaned after each delivery, when visibly soiled and at least daily. Oncology areas should be cleaned twice daily. Sterilising processing departments should be cleaned at least twice daily and when visibly soiled. Wet areasThe following should be cleaned at least daily and more frequently as required:
Walls and fittingsWalls and screens should be cleaned quarterly or if visibly soiled. Blinds and curtains should be cleaned quarterly or if visibly soiled. Carpets should be vacuumed daily and other floor surfaces washed daily and when soiled. Bed and examination screens should be changed weekly and when visibly soiled. Cleaning Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease infectious agentsSpills of central nervous system tissue or cerebrospinal fluid should be absorbed with paper towels and disposed of by incineration. The surface should then be soaked with one molar sodium hydroxide or 2.0–2.5 per cent sodium hypochlorite, left for 1 hour and cleaned again with paper towels that are disposed of by incineration. Cleaning other infectious disease agentsSpills of blood or other body fluids and tissues should be cleaned using standard spills management procedures. PPE used when cleaning contaminated surfaces should be incinerated after use. Reusable eye protection should be cleaned as above. Maintenance of cleaning equipmentCleaning items (including solutions, water, buckets, cleaning cloths and mop heads) should be changed after each use. They should also be changed immediately following the cleaning of blood or body substance spills. These items should be washed in detergent and warm water, rinsed and stored dry between uses. Mops with detachable heads should be laundered between uses. Spills of laboratory cultures of human pathogensSpills of laboratory cultures should be absorbed with paper towels and disposed of as clinical waste. The contaminated surfaces should be treated with 2.0–2.5 per cent sodium hypochlorite, left for 1 hour and cleaned again with paper towels that are disposed of as clinical waste. Laboratories should also refer to AS/NZS 2243.3:2002: Safety in laboratories – microbiological aspects and containment facilities. Waste disposalAll healthcare facilities should have policies and procedures in place for the correct management of all waste generated. The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has clear guidelines on how waste should be managed. The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) also has guidelines on the management of waste generated in healthcare facilities. Waste is classified into three main groups of waste:
All waste should be stored in secure areas until collected. Waste disposal companies licensed with the EPA will collect all clinical and pharmaceutical waste for disposal in specialised waste disposal facilities, which are also licensed by the EPA. Waste should be removed from clinical areas at least three times each day and more frequently as needed, such as from specialised areas. Waste bags should be tied before removing from the area. General waste disposalPlace in general waste bin for removal. Clinical waste disposalPlace in biohazard bags as soon as possible. Biohazard bags have a biohazard symbol and are currently coloured yellow. Single-use sharps should be placed (by the user) into a sharps container that meets the Australian and New Zealand Standards AS 4031:1992 and AS/NZS 4261:1994. Pharmaceutical waste disposalWhen uncertain about how to dispose of leftover pharmaceuticals, they should be returned to pharmacy for correct disposal. Most disinfectants can be disposed of through the sewer system by running cold water into the sink before pouring the disinfectant into the sink. Leaving the cold water running for a few moments after the disinfectant has been disposed of dilutes the disinfectant. |