國際海事組織(IMO)秘書長林基澤為2020年海員日致辭 林基澤 海員是海事組織一切工作的中心。每年,我們都與海員們一道慶祝海員日。 即使在歲月靜好的時代,海員也是為全球經(jīng)濟做出貢獻的無名英雄。80%以上的全球貿(mào)易是通過海上運輸?shù)摹:T的工作對身心具有極高的要求,工作枯燥且遠離家人。 然而,今年我們面對的是前所未有的新型冠狀病毒的全球大流行。 船舶仍在繼續(xù)進行貿(mào)易,且大多數(shù)港口仍然開放以運送和裝載重要供給。但是,疫情的全球大流行已令許多海員陷入了絕望的境地。海員們的奉獻精神、職業(yè)操守、韌性和毅力令我感到驚嘆和敬佩,因為他們面臨的是無法進行船員更換、無法獲得遣返、無法獲得登離船舶的護照和簽證、缺乏醫(yī)療、缺乏個人防護裝備以及拒絕上岸休假,雖然所有這一切都是源于保護公眾健康和安全所做出的精心努力的結果,但是卻給航運帶來了過度限制的后果。盡管面臨這種種挑戰(zhàn),但是海員們依然全天候堅守崗位。 海事組織已與工會、海員福利組織、航運業(yè)界代表和其他聯(lián)合國機構合作,尋求解決這些問題的方案。我已致信給全體會員國政府,敦請它們承認所有海員都是“關鍵工作者”。 海員的工作具有獨特性且必不可缺。正如其他關鍵工作者一樣,海員在此次全球抗疫的第一線。我們應該向他們致謝。但是,他們更加需要且應當獲得全世界政府迅速和果斷的人道主義行動,這不僅是在疫情大流行期間,而且是在任何時候。 因此,2020年慶?;顒拥闹黝}為“#海員是關鍵工作者”。請在各個社交平臺上關注、使用并分享這一主題標簽,以加入適當認可海員并為其采取行動的全球應援活動。海員們持續(xù)為我們所有人提供服務?,F(xiàn)在也讓我們確保為他們有所作為! DAY OF THE SEAFARER 2020 Message from Kitack Lim, Secretary-General, IMO Mr. Kitack Lim Seafarers are at the heart of everything IMO does. And every year we celebrate seafarers with our Day of the Seafarer campaign. Even in good times, seafarers are the unsung heroes of the global economy. More than 80% of global trade is delivered by sea. Seafarers’ work is physically and mentally demanding, lonely and remote. But this year, we are in the unprecedented situation of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Ships are continuing to trade, and most ports are still open to deliver and load vital supplies. But the global pandemic has plunged many seafarers into desperate situations. I have been amazed and impressed with the dedication, professionalism, resilience and perseverance of seafarers as they have faced the inability to conduct crew changes, inability to be repatriated, inability to get passports and visas to get to and from their ships, lack of access to medical care, lack of personal protective equipment and denial of shore leave - all as a result of well?intentioned efforts to protect public health and safety, but with overly restrictive consequences to shipping. Despite all these challenges, seafarers have stayed on the job 24/7. IMO has worked with trade unions, seafarer welfare organizations, shipping industry representatives and other United Nations agencies, to find solutions to these problems. I have written to all our Member Governments, urging them to recognize all seafarers as “key workers”. Seafarers’ work is unique and essential. Just like other key workers, seafarers are on the front line in this global fight. They deserve our thanks. But they also need – and deserve – quick and decisive humanitarian action from governments everywhere, not just during the pandemic, but at all times. That’s why our 2020 campaign theme is “#SeafarersAreKeyWorkers”. Follow, use and share this hashtag across social media platforms to join this global call for proper recognition – and action – for seafarers. Seafarers continue to deliver for all of us. Now, let’s ensure that we deliver for them! 來源:IMO
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