


 hqsc88 2011-08-07


(2011-04-09 14:03:10)


分類: 程序化交易系統(tǒng)
    Trading_With_Short_Term_Price_Patterns Opening_Range_Breakout

INGOpening range breakout is one of the most important indicators of daily market direction that a trader can utilize.


An opening range breakout (ORB) is a trade taken at a predetermined amount above or below the
opening range. When the predetermined amount (the "stretch") is computed, a buy stop is placed that amount above the high of the opening range and a sell stop is placed the same amount below the low of the opening range. The first stop that is traded is the position and the other stop is a protective stop.


The stretch is determined by looking at the previous 10 days and averaging the differences between the open for each day and the closest extreme to the open on each day.


In a market with a strong bias in one direction or just after a clear supply or demand indication, a trade in only one direction is taken. This is called an Opening Range Breakout Preference (ORBP). The only order entered is the stop in the direction of the entry. The protective stop is entered only after the trade has been entered.


If the market trades to the stretch in the opposite direction first, the preference is nullified and the resting order is cancelled. This requires you to monitor the market during the session. Intraday market monitoring is not a sacrifice by any means and enhances the system.


Opening range breakout is effective after an inside day that has a smaller daily range than the previous four days (IDnr4 in Figure 1 ) and after any day that has a daily range less than the previous six days (NR7) whether an inside day or not.


"Hook" days also tend to precede big moves in one direction. A hook day is any day that opens
above/below the previous days' high/low then proceeds to reverse the previous day's close but does so with a daily range less than the previous day.


March copper in Figure 1 displays examples of all these patterns. Inside days with the narrowest range in four days (IDnr4) occur at points c, e, g, i, n, o and t. Days with ranges smaller than those of the previous six days (NR7) occur at points a, d, f, g, h, j, m, n, p and s. Hook days occur at points b, q and r. Notice the proximity of some of the next day's openings to one of the extremes for that day and the general tendency of the close of the same day to be at the opposite extreme.


OPENING <wbr><wbr>RANGE <wbr><wbr>BREAKOUT <wbr><wbr>by <wbr><wbr>Toby <wbr><wbr>Crabel



The earlier in the session the entry is taken the better chances for success.


The ORBP provides an effective trade entry at times of a clear bias in one direction. In particular, a running market provides a very clear bias. On any inside day, the ORBP should be taken. Inside days act as springboards for an immediate continuation in the direction of the run. In Figure 2, the July soybean oil chart displays a running market between numbers 1 and 2. Within that run, inside days at points a thru e all resulted in successful opening range breakout trades with the open on or near the low of the session in each case. Direction is not as predictable at inside days f, g and h, but the opening range breakout the
following day in each case provides an excellent entry.

ORBP在一個明確的方向上提供了有效的進場信號,特別是當乖離明顯的時候。在很多孕線形態(tài)出現(xiàn)時,ORBP應該被運用。孕線被當作大趨勢運行方向中一個 快速跳板。圖2中,7月豆油期貨顯示點1和點2的方向性趨勢運行。運行中,A到E的幾乎所有孕線形態(tài)導致了成功的開盤價格在日內(nèi)最低點的開盤區(qū)間突破。在 點F,G和H中方向是不定的,但轉天的ORB提供了漂亮的進場信號。

OPENING <wbr><wbr>RANGE <wbr><wbr>BREAKOUT <wbr><wbr>2 <wbr><wbr>【中英文對照】


A gap in the direction of the run is a strong indication of continuation and an ORBP can be taken in the direction of the gap with an overnight position held if a big day follows. October sugar in Figure 3 shows three gaps (points a, b, c) within a very defined upward run. Note the tendency for the open to act as the low of the day in each case. If a breakout to the downside had occurred in these cases no trades would have been taken. Logically, any of the patterns mentioned for use with the ORB can be utilized in an ORBP when the bias is clear.

順勢的跳空顯示了趨勢,而且如果接下來是大區(qū)間日,在跳空方向上利用ORBP建立的倉位可以持有過夜。圖三中,10月期糖顯示了三個明顯上升趨勢的跳空缺 口(點A,B,C)。注意這些以開盤價作為日內(nèi)低點的傾向。如果是反向的突破那么就不要交易了。從邏輯上講,很多ORB想臺都可以在乖離明顯的情況下得以 利用。

OPENING <wbr><wbr>RANGE <wbr><wbr>BREAKOUT <wbr><wbr>2 <wbr><wbr>【中英文對照】


Upthrusts/springs, reversal gaps or any sharp reversal should be followed up with an ORBP in the direction of the reversal for at least two days afterward if it confirms the intermediate trend. The November soybean chart (Figure 4) displays upthrusts at points 1, 3 and 5 and springs at points 2, 4, and 6. Note the openings the days after the springs and the marked tendency for them to occur near one extreme of the day. The upthrusts were not as successful since a clear upward bias did exist. Again, ORB is most effective after an inside day or a day whose range is less than any of the previous six days (NR7).

Upthrusts/springs形態(tài),如果是趨勢中跡,反向跳空或者凌厲的逆轉之后,應該在兩天后有ORBP現(xiàn)象發(fā)生。圖4中,11月大豆期貨圖表顯 示了點1.3.5的Upthrusts形態(tài),和點2.4.6的springs形態(tài)。注意springs形態(tài)后開盤在振幅的一端,而Upthrusts形態(tài) 沒有明顯的乖離現(xiàn)象發(fā)生。看來ORB現(xiàn)象還是在IDnr4和NR7形態(tài)后最有效。

OPENING <wbr><wbr>RANGE <wbr><wbr>BREAKOUT <wbr><wbr>2 <wbr><wbr>【中英文對照】



In general, the earlier in the session the entry is taken the better the chances for success. In fact, the ideal is an entry within the first 10 minutes of the session. In that case, an immediate continuation in the direction of the breakout is likely. When you get a large price movement in one direction within the first 15 minutes of the session (early entry), the protective stop can be moved to break-even very quickly and the trade is free.


The more time that passes between the open and trade entry, the lower the probability of success. Adjust the size of your position downward as the day goes on. The worst entry is just before the close when time is running out and it is difficult to realize a profit. The objective of these entry techniques is to establish a position for a two- to three-day run, but this is successful only if a substantial profit is realized by the end of the first session.


After the trade is entered the clock starts ticking. The ideal trade will show a profit almost
instantaneously. The longer it takes to move away from the point of entry, the more vulnerable the position. In general, stops should be moved to a break-even within one hour after entry. A market that displays greater tendency to trend should be given less time than an hour.


For example, the S&P usually takes no more than five to 10 minutes before a clear getaway occurs. When judging the market action after entry, compare it to examples of ideal, early entries with immediate profit and persistent followthrough thereafter. Action that varies from the ideal is suspect.


The ORB can be utilized as a general indicator of bias every day. Whichever side of the stretch is traded first will indicate bias in that direction for the next two to three hours of the session. This information alone will keep you out of trouble, if nothing else.


Multiple contracts can be used when entering on an ORB or ORBP. This allows for some profit taking as the move continues to guarantee at least some profit in the case of a pullback to the break-even stop. A trailing stop is also very effective.


If you miss the ORB and early entry occurred, any 3/8 to 1/2 retracement of the established range can be used as an entry point with stops beyond the 5/8 level. This technique can be utilized twice, but becomes treacherous on the third retracement.


In summary, the open is a primary market indicator. Without an understanding of its importance and the market action around it, it is difficult to come to correct conclusions about market direction. On certain days the open acts as an ideal point of entry upon breakout. On any day that such a breakout occurs within the first 10 minutes of trade, the information is overwhelmingly in favor of a continuation of that move. It a trade does not use these entry techniques systematically they should at least be utilized as a general indicator of bias.

綜上,開盤價是市場一個重要指標。不理解它的重要性和其周圍時段的價格行為,很難對市場方向進行準確研判。在特定的日子里開盤價是很好的突破切入點。在任 何開盤后10分鐘產(chǎn)生突破現(xiàn)象的日子里,很多時候都會持續(xù)運行在這個方向上。這項技術不被作為進場點技術至少也可以用于判斷價格運行方向。




Early entry is defined as a large price movement in one direction within the first five minutes after the open of the daily session. A study of early entry is essentially a study of price action, and the type of price action that takes place on early entry shows that participants are urgent about entering the market. It is a distinct recognition of either a profitable or dangerous situation.


It should be noted that directional moves of this nature are relatively rare and may occur only 10% of the time. Most days (70% to 80%), prices exhibit rotation or choppy action and the first five to 10 minutes of trading are sluggish and directionless without a clear movement away from the opening range.


The early entry price action is ideal when using an opening range breakout for entry. An opening range breakout is a trade taken at a predetermined amount above or below the opening range. The open should act as one extreme of this range.


I have observed two types of early entry. The characteristics of Type 1 (Figures 1 and 2) are as follows:The first five minute time period has a larger range than normal. ("Normal" is roughly defined as the average of the preceding 10 days' first five-minute ranges.)

我觀察到了兩種類型的早間進場信號。第一種的特點如下:(圖一和圖二)開盤后第一個5分鐘有比正常情況更大的振幅。(“正常情況”是指大概以往10天開盤后前5分鐘振幅的平均值)OPENING <wbr><wbr>RANGE <wbr><wbr>BREAKOUT <wbr><wbr>4 <wbr><wbr>【中英文對照】  OPENING <wbr><wbr>RANGE <wbr><wbr>BREAKOUT <wbr><wbr>4 <wbr><wbr>【中英文對照】

The opening of the day is on one extreme of the five-minute bar and the close of the five-minute bar is on the opposite extreme. The second five minutes shows an equal thrust in the direction of the first five-minute period.


The Type 2 early. entry is extremely powerful and is characterized by an excessively large range in the first five minutes, quite possibly bigger than the previous 20 days ' first five-minute periods (Figures 3 and 4).


OPENING <wbr><wbr>RANGE <wbr><wbr>BREAKOUT <wbr><wbr>4 <wbr><wbr>【中英文對照】OPENING <wbr><wbr>RANGE <wbr><wbr>BREAKOUT <wbr><wbr>4 <wbr><wbr>【中英文對照】

An equal thrust in the next time period is difficult to manage, but a general drift in the direction of the first five minutes is likely with an acceleration after further accumulation has occurred.





One possible trading scheme is to use an opening range breakout entry technique each day, anticipating early entry. If ideal action does not occur within the first five to 10 minutes, cancel orders. In a defined trend or running market, use early entry to verify the existing trend and then use any pullbacks of 3/8 to 1/2 of the existing daily range for another entry.
An open that occurs outside the previous day's high or low, in most cases, sets up an intraday upthrust or spring. These are top and bottom reversal patterns and tests show that on a move back into the previous day's range by two ticks, the market has a 67% chance of continuing into yesterday's range and closing beyond that point. This is excellent advance information and, when it moves as far as the early entry extreme price, it shifts the momentum for the entire day's trade and, quite possibly, several days' trading if a reversal pattern forms on the daily chart.

期待早間進場信號,每天使用開盤區(qū)間突破的技術是可行的交易策略。如果開盤后5-10分鐘內(nèi)沒有理想的價格行為發(fā)生,則取消交易計劃。在趨勢中的市場,使 用早間進場信號驗證趨勢,然后3/8到1/2的回調(diào)用于再次進場。,在大多數(shù)情況下,一個高開或低開,建立了盤中的擴張與延伸。有很多頂和底的形態(tài)被測試 表明,價格運動超過前日振幅兩個點(譯者:作者這里的兩個點不是指2%,是指TICK兩個委托跳動,今后的點也都是這個,請勿混淆),市場有67%的可能 在這一方向上維持前日的振幅到收盤。這可有了一個進一步的好消息,當它位移漸漸遠離早間進場信號的價格時,勢頭很可能演變?yōu)橐徽斓内厔?。若日線圖上反轉 形態(tài)確立,則很可能持續(xù)幾天的小行情。



Early entry failure


Of course, there are times when, even with a defined thrust, the market will not follow through and, in fact, will sometimes reverse completely. This is defined as early entry failure (Figures 5 and 6) and is associated with a momentum increase in the opposite direction of early entry.


Momentum can be assessed by the range of the time unit (i.e., a 5-, 15-, 30-minute bar chart). An increased range relative to the previous time unit(s) shows an increase in momentum. Ideally, this should not happen and when it does, it usually indicates an early entry failure is occurring.


As a rule, no countermove 5-minute bar should have a range larger than the first 5-minute bar. All such larger bars should confirm early entry. In fact, any 5-minute bar against early entry that is relatively large compared to previous bars which confirmed early entry will imply a shift in momentum and possibly early entry failure.


Neutral or confirming price action is crucial just after the early entry indication. When entry is taken on a pullback, narrow range bars should have been present on the retracement. A countermove with a momentum increase (i.e., larger bars) is a warning that failure is occurring.


OPENING <wbr><wbr>RANGE <wbr><wbr>BREAKOUT <wbr><wbr>6 <wbr><wbr>【中英文對照】OPENING <wbr><wbr>RANGE <wbr><wbr>BREAKOUT <wbr><wbr>6 <wbr><wbr>【中英文對照】


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