2. 早上6點的鬧鐘響起以后我順手就給關了,再次醒來時已經(jīng)是6:40多了。于是我趕緊起床做了一套八段錦,這才醒了瞌睡,神清氣爽。
3. 等我出門時,老爸已經(jīng)把雞鴨放了出來,我們一起給這些小家伙們弄上些飼料。隨后我又帶著狗子出門溜上一圈。這次老爸把小狗也放了,于是這倆狗子就開始撒花似的瘋跑。
4. 回來后我和老爸下了些水餃和湯圓當作早飯。早飯后我把車子上的白菜葉子全都弄到了地上,然后一點點分揀開來,隨后又開始切菜葉子準備飼料。
5. 10點多時我又煮了一鍋米湯,為釀酒做準備。中午我砍了幾顆小白菜回來做了個酸辣白菜粉條湯。期間還和小妹視頻聊了一會兒,我們互相分享了一下近況,小妹還特地問了灌腸味道怎么樣,我如實的告訴她,那味道相當不賴。
6. 午飯后我在床上翻來覆去沒怎么睡著,而且因為中午喝了些稀飯,還跑了好幾次廁所,一直到3點多才瞇了一會兒。起床后我?guī)е鹈鋈チ锪艘蝗?。還是出來走走更容易讓人心情變好。
英文版: 1. I had some porridge with my dad last night. As a result, I went to the toilet many times during the night. But overall, it didn't affect my sleep too much.
2. When the alarm clock rang at six o'clock in the morning, I turned it off casually. When I woke up again, it was already past 6:40. So I quickly got up and did a set of Ba Duan Jin. Only then did I feel wide awake and refreshed.
3. By the time I went out, Dad had already let the chickens and ducks out. We put some feed for these little guys together. Then I took the dog for a walk. This time, Dad also let the puppy go, so the two dogs started running around like crazy.
4. After coming back, Dad and I cooked some dumplings and glutinous rice balls for breakfast. After breakfast, I took all the cabbage leaves on the cart to the ground, sorted them out little by little, and then started cutting the cabbage leaves to prepare the feed.
5. At a little past ten o'clock, I cooked another pot of rice porridge to prepare for making wine. At noon, I cut a few Chinese cabbages and made a sour and spicy Chinese cabbage and vermicelli soup. During that time, I also had a video chat with my younger sister for a while. We shared our recent situations with each other. My younger sister specifically asked me how the stuffed sausage tasted. I told her truthfully that it tasted really good.
6. After lunch, I tossed and turned in bed and didn't fall asleep easily. Moreover, because I had some porridge at noon, I also went to the toilet several times. I didn't doze off until after three o'clock. After getting up, I took the Golden Retriever for a walk. It's easier to improve one's mood by taking a walk outside.