##################################### # load packages #####################################
library(dplyr) library(Seurat) library(patchwork) library(stringr) library(ggplot2)
##################################### # process data ##################################### #批量讀入 data_dirs <- list.dirs(path='.', full.names=TRUE, recursive=FALSE) samples <- c("AA","HC","SD") objs <- list() for(ix in seq_along(data_dirs)){ sample <- samples[ix] path <- data_dirs[ix] data <- Read10X(data.dir=path) obj <- CreateSeuratObject(counts=data, project=sample, min.cells=3, min.features=200) # orig.ident not getting assigned correctly? obj$orig.ident <- sample objs[[sample]] <- obj }
#線粒體基因比例 for(i in seq_along(objs)){ objs[[i]][["percent.mt"]] <- PercentageFeatureSet(objs[[i]], pattern = "^MT-") }
#filter cells for(i in seq_along(objs)){ objs[[i]] <- subset(objs[[i]], subset = ( nFeature_RNA > 200 & nFeature_RNA < Inf & nCount_RNA > 1000 & nCount_RNA < Inf & percent.mt < 20 )) }
#run cluster for each sample seuratPreProcess <- function(obj, selectionMethod="vst", nFeatures=2000, dims=1:10, res=0.5, seed=1){ # perform standard Seurat preprocessing # (Normalization, Scaling, Dimensionality Reduction, Clustering) obj <- NormalizeData(obj) obj <- ScaleData(obj, verbose=FALSE) obj <- FindVariableFeatures(obj, selection.method=selectionMethod, nfeatures=nFeatures) obj <- RunPCA(obj) obj <- RunUMAP(obj, dims=dims) obj <- FindNeighbors(obj, dims=dims) obj <- FindClusters(obj, resolution=res, random.seed=1) return(obj) }
objs <- lapply(seq_along(objs), function(i){ obj <- objs[[i]] seuratPreProcess(obj) })
names(objs) <- samples
去雙細胞,重新分群,注釋細胞。 ##################################### # Doublet cells detect ##################################### source('./ks_detectDoublet') objs[[1]] <- ks_detectDoublet(objs[[1]],dims = 1:15,estDubRate=0.065, ncores = 2, SCTransform=F, Homotypic=F, annotation="seurat_clusters")
objs[[2]] <- ks_detectDoublet(objs[[2]],dims = 1:15,estDubRate=0.025, ncores = 2, SCTransform=F, Homotypic=F, annotation="seurat_clusters")
objs[[3]] <- ks_detectDoublet(objs[[3]],dims = 1:15,estDubRate=0.060, ncores = 2, SCTransform=F, Homotypic=F, annotation="seurat_clusters")
##################################### # re-cluster #####################################
# Merge individual Seurat objects obj <- merge(x=objs[[1]], y=objs[2:length(objs)], add.cell.ids=names(objs))
# Store sample information in metadata obj$Sample <- obj$orig.ident
# Store disease status in metadata # obj$diseaseStatus <- NA # obj$diseaseStatus <- ifelse(grepl("C_SD", obj$Sample), "C_SD", obj$diseaseStatus) # obj$diseaseStatus <- ifelse(grepl("C_PB", obj$Sample), "C_PB", obj$diseaseStatus) # obj$diseaseStatus <- ifelse(grepl("AA", obj$Sample), "AA", obj$diseaseStatus)
# Remove doublets obj <- subset(obj, subset = (DF.classify == "Singlet"))
#cluster obj <- NormalizeData(obj, normalization.method = "LogNormalize") %>% FindVariableFeatures(., selection.method = "vst", nfeatures = 3000) obj <- ScaleData(obj, vars.to.regress = c("percent.mt"), verbose = T) obj <- RunPCA(obj, npcs = 50, verbose = FALSE)
#run harmony library(harmony) obj <- RunHarmony(obj, "orig.ident") obj <- FindNeighbors(obj, reduction = "harmony",dims = 1:25) obj <- FindClusters(object = obj , resolution = seq(from = 0.2, to = 1.0, by = 0.2)) obj <- RunUMAP(obj, dims = 1:25, reduction = "harmony")
# library(clustree) # clustree(obj)
Idents(obj) <- "RNA_snn_res.0.4" obj$seurat_clusters <- obj@active.ident DimPlot(obj,label = T)
save(obj, file = 'obj.RData')
##################################### # decontX ##################################### source('./ks_runDecontX') obj <- ks_runDecontX(seurat_obj = obj,idents = "seurat_clusters") #根據(jù)contamination分數(shù)刪除細胞,至于比例,沒有明確的要求,可以按照實際數(shù)據(jù)處理來設(shè)定 obj = obj[,obj$estConp < 0.15]
##################################### # cell annotation #####################################
featureSets <- list( "Keratinocytes" = c("KRT5", "KRT10", "KRT14", "KRT15"), "Fibroblasts" = c("THY1", "COL1A1", "COL11A1"), "T_cells" = c("CD3D", "CD8A", "CD4","IKZF2", "CCL5"), # PTPRC = CD45 "B_cells" = c("CD19"), # MS41A = CD20, MZB1 = marginal zone B cell specific protein "APCs" = c("CD14", "CD86", "CD74", "CD163"), # Monocyte lineage (FCGR3A = CD16, FCGR1A = CD64, CD74 = HLA-DR antigens-associated invariant chain) "Melanocytes" = c("MITF", "SOX10", "MLANA"), # Melanocyte markers "Endothlial" = c("VWF", "PECAM1", "SELE"), # Endothlial cells (PECAM1 = CD31), SELE = selectin E (found in cytokine stimulated endothelial cells) "Lymphatic" = c("FLT4", "LYVE1"), # Lymphatic endothelial (FLT4 = VEGFR-3)) "Muscle" = c("TPM1", "TAGLN", "MYL9"), # TPM = tropomyosin, TAGLN = transgelin (involved crosslinking actin in smooth muscle), MYL = Myosin light chain "Mast_cells" = c("KIT", "TPSB2", "HPGD"), # KIT = CD117, ENPP3 = CD203c, FCER1A = IgE receptor alpha, TPSB2 is a beta tryptase, which are supposed to be common in mast cells "HF_surface_markers" = c("ITGB8", "CD200", "SOX9", "LHX2") )
markers <- unlist(featureSets,use.names = F) DotPlot(obj, features = markers,col.min = 0)+coord_flip() table(obj$seurat_clusters) # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 # 2713 2524 1875 1371 1685 1241 1107 1027 64 759 572 480 289 210 212 123 97 78 61 52
obj <- obj[,!obj@meta.data$seurat_clusters %in% c("8","18","19")] new.cluster.ids <- c("0"="Fibroblasts", "1"="Endothlial", "2"="Keratinocytes", "3"="Myeloid", "4"="Keratinocytes", "5"="Muscle", "6"="Fibroblasts", "7"="Muscle", "9"="T cells", "10"="Keratinocytes", "11"="Mast cells", "12"="Keratinocytes", "13"="Myeloid", "14"="Lymphatic", "15"="Melanocytes", "16"="Keratinocytes", "17"="Myeloid")
obj <- RenameIdents(obj, new.cluster.ids) obj$celltype <- obj@active.ident
DimPlot(obj, label = T)+NoLegend() DimPlot(obj, label = T, split.by = 'orig.ident')+NoLegend()
save(obj, file = 'obj.RData')