


 狹路相逢勇亮劍 2024-06-28





短元音  a   e   i   o   u 的發(fā)音規(guī)律 

如果一個英語單詞或音節(jié)里只有一個元音, 且元音不在末尾,這個元音一般發(fā)短音.

1)短元音:a [?]: bag cat mat maapple bat hat fan hand Stan happy

2)短元音:e [e]:egg well red pen net hen bed bell best

3)短元音:i [i]:lick six bib pig pin kiss ink hill 

4)短元音:o [?]:poox top dog fox box lost top

5)短元音:u [?]:suumbrella cup bus nut guuncle under

y在末尾 (作為元音處理):

1)單音節(jié)詞, 沒有其他元音,y發(fā)[ai] 

y [ai]: my, why, fly spy sky shy cry my type dry

2)多音節(jié)詞, y發(fā)[i]

y [i]:puppy dirty rainy sunny happy baby dizzy pony

ey [i]:monkey turkey jockey donkey key hockey money


如:me, she, hi, go,baby, table

一個單詞或音節(jié)里有兩個元音時, 一般來說,前邊一個元音發(fā)長音(其字母音), 后邊一個元音不發(fā)音.

長元音1:Magic E (神奇的E) a-e ,e-e,i-e, o-e,u-e 發(fā)音規(guī)律

1)長元音:[ei]: a-e space cake snake lake plane name 

whale grape cage(café

2)長元音:[i:]e-e these Japanese Chinese

3)長元音:[ai]i-e bite five nine kite mine nice ride side

4)長元音:[?u]o-e rose nose rope note pose home rode those

5)長元音:[ju:]u-e tube cube June cute huge

長元音2:ai ayee ea ie igh oa ow oe ui ue發(fā)音規(guī)律

ai[ei] : paint pain tail rain nail maid jail rail  

ay[ei] : ray say bay way hay lay may pay

ee[i:] : bee peel reeds eel see teeth jeep feet  

ea[i:] : peanut meaeagle sea leaf pea peach tea

ie[ai] : tie pie lie die

igh[ai]: ight sight night tight light sigh fight high

oa [ou] : coat toast road boat coal goat toad soa

ow [ou] : yellow pillow row rainbow bowl window hollow low

oe [ou] :doe, hoe, toe

ui [ju:] : suit juice fruit    

ue [ju:] : blue glue sue

帶元音的特殊讀法or ar ur ir erear er發(fā)音規(guī)律

or[?:]:pork porch horse horn corn fork morning 

or[?:]:work worm world

ar[a:]:arm cararm car cart park garden farm   

ur[?:]:hurt turkey turtle surfing nurse purse fur

ir[?:]:birthday circus dirty bird circle dirt girl    

er[?:]:mermaid term her nerd serve

ear[?:]:learearearth heard     

er[?]:sister brother marker rooster under mother winter

帶元音的特殊讀法 單元音au aw oo ea all發(fā)音規(guī)律

au[?:]:august sausage sauce naughty autumn applause  

aw[?:]:saw paw draw straw berrystraw lawn

※oo[u:]:moon zoo roof rooster spoon room boots food   ※oo[u]:book cookie woods wool hook look foot cook

ea[e]:head sweater sweat leather feather lead     

all[?:]:wall fall ball call tall

帶元音的特殊讀法 雙元音 ou ow oi oy ew 發(fā)音規(guī)律

ou [au] mouth out house count shout mouse   

ow [au]:clown cow owl towel flower tower crown brown

oi [?i]:coioil point noise poison coil boil soil   

oy [?i]:oyster boy soy toy

ew [ju:]:new nephew newspaper few dew view

帶元音的特殊讀法 雙元音 are air ire ear eer 發(fā)音規(guī)律

are[??]: care share scare dare

air[??]: hair air repair

ire[ai?]: fire  wire

ear [i?]: near  tear dear clear  year  hear

eer [i?]: deer  beer cheers engineer pioneer volunteer


1.ch sh wh ph th kn wr 發(fā)音規(guī)律

ch[?] :beach lunch cheese bench  chair cherry church chicken  

sh[?]:sheep shirt ship fish  shoes dish push

wh[w]:wheel white whale wheat wheel whisper whip whistle  

ph [f]:elephant photo telephone

th[e]:brother feather leather father mother

th[θ]:thumb bathmat three thirsty mouth teeth  thief bath

kn[n]:knit knob knee knife knock    

wr[r]:write wrist wrinkle wrap wreath

2.gh mb ck qu ge dge 發(fā)音規(guī)律

gh [g]: ghost   

mb [b]: comb  lamb

ck [k]: quick  black  sick duck luck  lock  check  back

qu[ku]: quite  quick  quit  quilt  

ge [?]: page  orange  age

dge [?]: bridge  vegetable judge

3.bl fl pl cl gl 發(fā)音規(guī)律

bl: blue black blouse bloom bleach blanket blonde    

fl: flat flflflame flute floor flag flower

pl: plane play plus planet platform plum plate plant  

cl: clock cloud clean clay climb close clap clown

gl: glove globe glass glue glasses

4.br cr gr pr fr 發(fā)音規(guī)律

br: bright brook brim bride brown bread brick brother 

cr: crown crab cream crow crayon crocodile cry

gr: gray green grass grapes ground grow grandma  

pr: prixe price prawn press prince princess pray

fr: frog frost Friday French fries fruit front friend frame

5.st sc sk sp sm sn sl sw 發(fā)音規(guī)律

st: student stop steel story star style stand steam 

sc: scare scab scar scold scan scoop scale

sk: skate skip skskskin skill skeleton skim 

sp: spider  speak  spy  spring  spoon  speed  spray   spin

sm: smoke  smile  smell  small  smart  smash  smock  smear 

sn: snow  snail  snap  snake  snack

sl: slim  sleep  slap  slop  slick  slow  slam   slave 

sw: switchswallow swanswim sweetswing sweatersweat

6.tr dr str ng ing發(fā)音規(guī)律

tr:tree try  train  truck  trust  

dr; dry  drink  dream  draw   dress 

str: street  strait  strict

ng: song long  lung  young  strong

ing: ring  morning  evening  wing  king  sing  bring  spring   swing








D、音標(biāo):用來記錄音素的符號。為了避免與字母混淆,音標(biāo)被放在斜括號/  /內(nèi)。






a /ei/ name cake table

/?/ apple cat map am

/α: / want dance

/o/ what watch

b /b/ book big bag box

c /k/ cat cake cup clock car

/s/ face nice pencil books

d /d/ desk doll dog dad

e /i:/ he she meet me

/e/ elephant egg bed pen

f /f/ fine friend fly foot fan

g /ɡ/ gun glass glad glove

/dз / age orange

h /h/ hat he house hand

i /ai / fine bike five ice

/i/ is sit miss pig picture

j / dз / jeep jam jacket jar

k /k/ kite cake black thank

/l/ leg left ruler flag lamp

/l/ apple bowl tell old

/m/ am map my mouth milk

/n/ no know new hand

/?u / old home nose coke

/o/ dog not clock box

/∧ / son month mother love

/p/ map jeep pig pen apple

q /kw / quite quilt quick

/r/ red radio brother racket

/s/ sit miss this smile books

/z/ nose those rose rulers

/t/ it sit not that table little

u /ju: / use usually excuse

/∧ / bus us sun duck

/ u / put pull push

v /v / five vase very seven

w /w/ we window watch want

/ks / box six fox

y /ai / my fly why bye

/ j / yes yellow

/ i / happy baby very

z / z / zoo zero 


ai /ei/ wait paint

ay /ei/ may play day say

air /ε? / air hair chair

al /o: / tall small ball

ar /α: / farther farm car arm

ea /i:/ meat please tea read

/e/ head bread ready

/ i? / theater

ear / i? / ear hear near

/ ε? / bear

/ ?: / earth

ee /i:/ meet see bee feet jeep

eir / ε? / their

er / ? / worker teacher

/ ?: / her

ere /i ? / here

/ε? / where there

ew /ju: / new few

/u: / flew grew

ight /ai / right high bright

ir /?: / bird girl shirt thirty

oa /?u / boat coat

ong /o? / long song

oo /u/ book foot good

/u:/ moon balloon

or / : / short fork port

/?: / word world work

oor /o: / door floor

ore /o:/ more store sore

ou / au / out house mouth

our /o: / four your

/au? / our

ow / ?u / bowl window

/au / now cow flower

oy /oi/ boy toy

ur / ?: / turn


th /θ/ thank mouth

/ δ/ this that with

tr /tr/ tree train truck

dr /dr/ dress driver

sh /∫/ shirt wash short

ch /t∫/ child chair catch

/ k / school Christmas

/ dз/ sandwich

tw /tw/ two twin twenty

wh /w/ white wheel what

/h/ who whose whom

ts /ts/ jackets kites

ds /dz/ birds




5個元音的字母音 a [ei] e [i:] i [ai] o [?u] u [u:]


a [?e] bag cat hat map

e [e] pen bed ten hen

I [i] big pig sit hill

o [?] box hot dog frog

u [u] but mum bus mug


短元音[?e] [e] [i] [?] [?] [u] [?]

長元音 [i:] [?:] [a:] [u:] [?:]

8個雙元音:[ei] [ai] [?u] [au] [?i] [i?] [e?] [u?]


1.單元音/i:/ see me be she need read meal eat seat deep keep

開音節(jié)中的e/i:/ me be she

ee /i:/ see sleep deep feet need

ea /i:/ read eat meal seat

2.單元音 /i/ in it is fit pin bit kiss sick miss fish rich lid

閉音節(jié)中的i /i/ if, his, film(閉音節(jié)指以輔音結(jié)尾的音節(jié))

閉音節(jié)中的y /i/ sympathy, syllable, system, gym

位于詞尾的y /i/ city, pity, willingly, possibility

3.單元音 /e/ get let bed pen best rest wet never better best

閉音節(jié)中的e /e/ bed, peg, set, tell

ea /e/ dead, heaven, feather

4.單元音/?e/ hat cat rat cap map fat man thank stamp fact

閉音節(jié)中的 a / ?e / bad, lad, rat, cab

5.單元音 /a:/ heart arm darn farm cart fast car dark barn pass

ar /a:/ arm, ark, lard, dark, car, card, hard, harm

6.單元音 / ? / lot got job shop soft song top hot box pot lock

閉音節(jié)中的o / ? / hot, got, not, lost, on, soft

7./ ?:/ tall fall wall Paul Maud walk call yawn thought

or / ?:/ or, sport, bored, horse, more, before

a(+ll或lk) / ?:/ all, fall, talk, walk

aw / ?:/ law, paw, draw, flaw, claw

8.單元音 /u/ cook book look put good full foot would

u /u/ put, full, pull, push, sugar, cushion

oo /u/ good, took, wood, wool, stood, bedroom

ou /u/ could, would, should

9.單元音 /u:/ too soon rule boot fool school soup cool lose new

oo /u:/ fool, booth, room, food

ou /u:/ soup, you, group

o /u:/ do, to, who

10./ ?/ cup bus gun hut sung duck lung luck cut stuck

閉音節(jié)中的u /?/ but, hunt, sun, duck, luck

閉音節(jié)中的o /?/ son, once, colour, other, money

ou /?/ rough, enough, touch, cousin, young

11.單元音 /?:/ shirt hunt burn girl bird nurse work worm curse

er /?:/ herd, verb, mercy

ir /?:/ thirty, shirt, third, fir

ur /?:/ turn, church, burn, nurse, curse

or /?:/ word, work, world, worse

ear /?:/ heard, earth, search

12.單元音 /?/ ago about asleep above again among mother brother


about, sofa, doctor, colour, figure

13.雙元音 /ei/ May pay way day same hay great gain pain spade

a /ei/ save, face, pale

ay /ei/ day, pay, may

ai /ei/ wait, fail, strait

ea /ei/ break, great

14.雙元音 /?u/ no go so hole hope road home slow load foe soul

o /?u/ go, hello, no, open, over, joking, October

oa /?u/ coat, soap, boat, road, coast

ow /?u/ snow, throw, blow, show, know, window

15.雙元音 /ai/ bye lie try eye cry die my five time mine like

開音節(jié)中的i /ai/ time, crime, rite, fine

igh /ai/ high, might, night, light, bright

y /ai/ cry, my, sky, fly, July, reply

ie /ai/ eye, dye, bye

16.雙元音 /au/ how now cow out mouse down house brown found

ou /au/ about, around, found, sound, mouse

ow /au/ down, crowd, town, brown, now, how

17.雙元音 /?i/ boy joy toy voice noise join coin oil soil toil

oi /?i/ oil, boil, join, coin, spoilt, voice, choice, noise

oy /?i/ toy, boy, enjoy, destroy, annoy, loyal, employer

18.雙元音 /i?/ ear here fear hear dear pier tear near really idea

ear /i?/ ear, dear, hear, clear, beard

ea /i?/ idea, real, theatre

ere /i?/ here, mere, severe

eer /i?/ beer, queer, engineer

19.雙元音 /e?/ care wear hair there fair careful various

are /e?/ care, share, fare, hare,careless

air /e?/ air, fair, chair,repair

20.雙元音 /u?/ tour sure poor pure cure tourist

ur /u?/ cure, pure, fury

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