


 鷹演 2022-09-02 發(fā)布于北京

  Methods:Thre e hundred men were examined for signs and symptoms of prostate dis orders.147patients with a digital rectal examination indicating a positive result underwent a pros tate-s pecificantigen(PSA)test.A biopsy was advised for 103 of the men,of whom 50 completed the s tudy.Be fore undergoing biopsy,an examination with the EIS(e le ctro interstitial scan)system usingbioimpedance and chronoamperometry was pe rfo rme d.In reference to the biopsy results(negativeor positive),a statistical analysis of the EIS data and PSA was conducted using receiver operatingcharacte ris tic curve s to de te rmine the specificity and sensitivity of each test.
  Res ults:The PSA test had a sensitivity of 73.9%and specificity of 51.9%using a cutoff value>4and a sensitivity of 52.2%and specificity of 81.5%using a cutoff value≥5.7 and P=0.03.The deltaof the electrical conductivity(DE)of the left foot-right foot pathway had a sensitivity of 62.5%andspecificity of 85.2%,with a cutoff value≤-5 andP=0.0001.Algorithms comprising the delta ofelectrical conductivity and PSA showed a sensitivity of 91.5%and a specificity of 59.3%,with acutoff value≤-10.52 andP=0.0003.
  Conclusion:The EIS system had a ve ry good specificity of 85.2%.Howe ve r,the sensitivity of 62.5%wo uld be a pro ble m.Using a PSA reference.4.1 ng/mL,the adjunctive use of bioimpedance and chronoamperometry provided by EIS technology could raise the s e ns itivity from 73.9%to 91.5%and the specificity from 51.9%to 59.3%in prostate cancer screening.

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