本文約 3500 字,閱讀約需 5 分鐘 太長不看 特別提醒,「好脂肪」也要注意烹飪方式,高不飽和油脂不能用于煎炸。 反式脂肪酸可以通過工藝降低風險,所謂「壞脂肪」在一些特殊條件下也可算是健康的選擇。 而「好脂肪」,如果你的飲食結構不合理,攝入量過大的時候也會有諸多危害,后文詳細解讀。 文末還有7條關于健康吃脂肪的建議,記得看~ 滿足身體代謝的需要 儲存能量和御寒 脂溶性維生素的載體 當前權威共識:飽和脂肪酸要限制 飽和脂肪的爭議 對心血管更友好 n-3:n-6的比例高些好 從哪獲得? 不飽和程度高的油脂不要用于煎炸 壞處 嚴格限量 哪里有反式脂肪酸? 加工食品 高溫烹飪 奶類 參考資料: [1] U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. 8th ed. Available at: http:///dietaryguidelines/2015/guidelines/. Accessed 30 October 2017 [2] Frank M. Sacks, MD, FAHA, Chair, et al. Dietary Fats and Cardiovascular Disease A Presidential Advisory From the American Heart Association [3] Willett WC, Sacks FM, Trichopoulou A, Drescher G, Ferro-Luzzi A, Helsing E, Trichopoulos D. Mediterranean diet pyramid: a cultural model for healthy eating. Am J Clin Nutr. 1995;61(suppl):1402S–1406S. [4] Trichopoulou A, Costacou T, Bamia C, Trichopoulos D. Adherence to a Mediterranean diet and survival in a Greek population. N Engl J Med. 2003;348:2599–2608. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa025039. [5] de Lorgeril M, Salen P, Martin JL, Monjaud I, Delaye J, Mamelle N. Mediterranean diet, traditional risk factors, and the rate of cardiovascular complications after myocardial infarction: final report of the Lyon Diet Heart Study. Circulation. 1999;99:779–785. [6]荀文,王桂瑛,谷大海,徐志強,普岳紅,葛長榮,廖國周.雞肉中脂肪酸的研究進展[J].食品研究與開發(fā),2020,41(21):214-219. [9]Lee Hooper, et.al. Reduction in saturated fat in take for cardiovascular diease. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 21 August 2020. |