go 對應(yīng)的短語動詞不計其數(shù),其中短語動詞 go out 的意思就有十幾種,所以應(yīng)該根據(jù)不同的上下文翻譯成對應(yīng)的意思。一、最通俗的意思為“出去”,通常是離開房間或建筑物到外面去,例如:Let's go out and look at the stars.I went out for a cigarette.The children went out to play in the snow.二、意為“外出娛樂,外出交際,出門參加社交活動”,例如:Those two have such an obvious chemistry that I'm surprised they've never gone out.那兩個人有著如此明顯的彼此喜歡,我很驚訝他們從來沒有出去過。How long have you been going out with him?After the power went out, I spent the night reading by candlelight.When I woke up the fire had gone out.When the tide goes out, we collect shells along the shore.When will the tide go out?六、意為“出局,被淘汰“,通常是游戲或是競賽中,例如:England went out to France in the second round of the championship.She went out of the tournament in the first round.If you kick the ball and it goes out, the other team gets control.Big collars are going out of fashion.High boots went out last year.Our hearts go out to the victims of the fire.My heart goes out to Mrs Adams and her fatherless children.十、意為“播放,播出,發(fā)出,寄出,公布,發(fā)表”,通常是新聞、消息或包裹等,例如:The package went out last week.The invitations went out two weeks before the party.十一、意為“出行,旅行”,通常是到比較遠的地方,例如:We went out to the country to visit the dairy farm.This ferry goes out to the islands.十二、意為“為追求某事而努力”,通常和 and 連用,例如:It's time for you to go out and get yourself a job!You should go out and get a lawyer if you want to win this case.如果你想打贏這場官司,你應(yīng)該去找個律師。十三、意為“罷工”,go out 是 go out on strike 的縮寫,例如:To show their support of the auto workers, the steel workers went out too.We're prepared to go out if management doesn't agree to our contract demands.十四、意為“參加…隊”,后面跟介詞 for,例如:f you plan to go out for the basketball team this year, you had better start practicing.如果你今年打算參加籃球隊,你最好開始練習(xí)。I've gone out for the swim team every year, but I've never made it.十五、意為“在…中不復(fù)存在;從…中消失”,通常是品質(zhì)或情感,例如:All the fight seemed to go out of him.