氣質(zhì)之性 Character Endowed by Qi (Vital Force) 圖片來源:學習強國 “氣”所賦予或影響的人的本性,與“天命之性”或“天地之性”相對?!皻赓|(zhì)之性”包含兩種不同的含義:其一,指“氣”賦予人的稟性。或指人的剛柔緩急的性格,或指賢愚等具有道德含義的品格。這個意義上的“氣質(zhì)之性”與“天命之性”共同構成了人天生所具的本性。其二,指“天理”與“氣”共同影響的人性?!疤炖怼甭淙胗行蔚纳眢w之中就會受到“氣”的影響?!疤炖怼彼x予的道德本性與身體的欲求交錯在一起,即是“氣質(zhì)之性”。 The moral characters of humans endowed or influenced by qi (氣) stand in contrast with 'heavenly endowed characters' or the 'properties of heaven and earth.' The term encompasses two meanings. First, it refers to the specific disposition of a person under the influence of qi, such as firmness and gentleness, patience and impatience, and wisdom and stupidity. Biased and unkind behaviors of people originate from the 'properties of qi.' In this sense, the 'properties of qi' and the 'properties of heaven and earth' together constitute a person's inborn character. Second, it means that heavenly laws and qi together influence a person's character. As heavenly laws are imbedded in the physical human body, they are influenced by qi. The interaction of moral characters endowed by heavenly laws and human desires reflects the properties of qi (vital force). 引例 Citations: ◎形而后有氣質(zhì)之性,善反之則天地之性存焉。(張載《正蒙·誠明》) 事物凝聚成形以后就稟受了氣質(zhì)之性,善于復歸本原則天地之性得以實現(xiàn)。 Physical matters take up their shape which acquires the nature of qi (vital force); if we are thus good at returning to it, then the nature endowed by heaven and earth will be preserved. (Zhang Zai: Enlightenment Through Confucian Teachings) ◎論天地之性,則專指理言;論氣質(zhì)之性,則以理與氣雜而言之。(《朱子語類》卷四) 論說天地之性,則是專門就天理而言的;論說氣質(zhì)之性,則是就天理與氣混合一體而言的。 As for the properties of heaven and earth, they refer exclusively to heavenly laws. As for the nature of qi, it refers to the combination of heavenly laws and qi. (Classified Conversations of Master Zhu Xi) (推薦:教育部 國家語委 供稿:北京外國語大學 外語教學與研究出版社) |
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