▲林語堂 林語堂談學英語 1. 學習英語的時候,一定要學習一個完整的句子,不要只記單詞。在學英語句子的時候,要把句子的語法、語調(diào)和發(fā)音腔調(diào)完整學起來。 2. 學習英語不可以以認識單詞為主,要記住單詞就要會用這個單詞。遇到一個新的英語單詞,一定要掌握該單詞一種正確的方法。隨著以后單詞用法的增加,自然容易記得。 3. 不可以強迫自己去死記英語單詞。要知道單詞在句子中用法,只有這樣做才容易記住單詞。 4. 學習英語必須做到耳目口手并用。耳聞、目見、口讀、手抄,缺一不可。 5. 要注重口讀,英語是一門語言,不開口,如何學會講英語。 6. 口語必須重復(fù)練習,看到一個單詞,一個句子,一定要讀到會背誦為止,到自己的口音很純熟為止。學習英語就跟學習古文是一樣的道理,要以背誦為入門的捷徑。 7. 口語練習最避諱的有兩點:(一)害羞。如果害羞,就會讓自己失去很多學習英語的機會。(二)想得高分。學習英語不應(yīng)急功近利,要踏踏實實。 8. 英語學習,一定要做到“精”,讀音和拼寫都應(yīng)該注意,切記馬馬虎虎,不可糊涂了事。 林語堂譯作欣賞 《幽夢影》——林語堂譯(人生卷一)(摘錄)人生——之一 情之一字,所以維持世界;才之一字,所以粉飾乾坤。 Passion holds up the bottom of the universe, and the poet gives it a new dress. 人生——之二 情必近于癡而始真,才必兼乎趣而始化。 Love is not true love without a form of madness. A literary artist must have zest in life to enter into nature's spirit. 人生——之三 律己宜帶秋氣,處世宜帶春氣。 One should discipline oneself in the spirit of autumn and live with others in the spirit of spring. 人生——之四 能閑世人之所忙者,方能忙世人之所閑。 Only those who take leisurely what the people of the world are busy about can be busy about what the people of the world take leisurely. 人生——之五 人莫樂于閑,非無所事事之謂也。閑則能讀書,閑則能游名勝,閑則能交益友,閑則能飲酒,閑則能著書。天下之樂,孰大于是? Of all things one enjoys leisure most, not because one does nothing. Leisure confers upon one the freedom to read, to travel, to make friends, to drink, and to write. Where is there a greater pleasure than this? 人生——之六 妾美不如妻賢,錢多不如境順。 I think it is better to have an understanding wife than a pretty concubine, and better to have peace of mind than wealth. 人生——之七 值太平世,生湖山郡,官長廉靜,家道優(yōu)裕,娶妻賢淑,生子聰慧,人生如此,可云全福。 The perfect life: to live in a world of peace in a lake district where the magistrate is good and honest, and to have an understanding wife and bright children. 人生——之八 有功夫讀書,謂之福;有力量濟人,謂之福;有學問著述,謂之福;無是非到耳,謂之福;有多聞直諒之友,謂之福。 Blessed are those who have time for reading, money to help others, the learning and ability to write, who are not bothered with gossip and disputes, and who have learned friends frank with advice. - END - |