克勞德·莫奈(Claude Monet,1840-1926),最典型最出色的印象派畫家。 《印象·日出》 1874年,莫奈參加了第一次印象派展覽,展出了自己的作品《日出·印象》,這幅畫描繪的是法國勒阿弗爾港清晨的風(fēng)景,太陽剛剛升起,水面霧氣朦朧。由于畫的是光線短暫變化的瞬間,于是受到學(xué)院派的嘲笑,說《日出·印象》完全就是憑印象胡亂畫出來的,印象派由此得名。 沒想到,這些挖苦的話,反而成全了印象派,成就了莫奈。 《草垛》 光和影的色彩描繪是莫奈繪畫的最大特色。在他的畫作中看不到明確的陰影,也看不到突顯或平涂式的輪廓線。 《草地上的午餐》 他說“我作畫猶如鳥兒在唱歌?!彼娘L(fēng)景畫如同音樂一樣,有著明快、抒情的色彩。他醉心于捕捉大自然的光與色的變化。 《白楊樹》 《罌粟花》 《撐陽傘的女人》 《睡蓮》 很多時(shí)候,他也會(huì)畫同一素材在不同光線下的形式。其中最著名的就是《睡蓮》系列,這個(gè)我會(huì)在下次分享中詳細(xì)介紹。所以,下面的高清圖中會(huì)有很多同一場(chǎng)景不同時(shí)刻的印象,比如《圣拉扎爾火車站》系列、《魯昂大教堂》系列、《草垛》系列... ...不要以為看花眼了哦! 《圣拉扎爾火車站》1 《圣拉扎爾火車站》2 Antibes, Afternoon Effect, 1888 Argenteuil, 1872 Argenteuil Seen from the Small Arm of the Seine, 1872 Apple Trees on the Chantemesle Hill, 1878 Apple Trees in Blossom by the Water, 1880 Apple Trees in Bloom, 1873 Apple Trees Blooming, 1873 Antibes Seen from the Cap Marten, Mistral Wind, 1888 Antibes in the Morning, 1888 Antibes - View of the Salis Gardens, 1888 Anemones in Pot, 1885 Andre Lauvray, 1880 An Orchard in Spring, 1886 An Old Street of Chaussee, Argenteuil, 1872 Amsterdam in the Snow, 1874 Alice Hoschede in the Garden, 1881 Agapanthus Flowers, 1914-17 Reading in the Garden, 1866 Argenteuil, Flowers by the Riverbank, 1877 Argenteuil, Late Afternoon, 1872 Argenteuil, Seen from the Small Arm of the Seine, 1872 Argenteuil, the Hospice, 1872 Argenteuil, The Seine, 1872 Argenteuil. Yachts, 1875 01 Argenteuil. Yachts, 1875 02 Argenteuil. Yachts, 1875 03 Arm of the Seine near Vetheuil, 1878 Arriving at Montegeron, 1876 Asters,1880 At Cap d Antibes, 1888 At Cap d Antibes, Mistral Wind, 1888 At Petit-Dalles, 1884 At the Meadow, Vetheuil, 1881 At the Terrace at Vetheuil, 1881 At Val Saint-Nicolas near Dieppe, Morning, 1897 At Val Saint-Nicolas, near Dieppe, 1897 At Val-Saint-Nicolas near Dieppe in the Morning, 1897 Cliff near Dieppe in the Morning, 1897 Cliff near Dieppe, 1896 Cliff near Dieppe, Cloudy Weather, 1897 Cliff near Dieppe, Overcast Skies, 1897 Autumn Effect at Argenteuil, 1873 Autumn on the Seine at Argenteuil, 1873 Banks of the Seine at Jeufosse, Autumn, 1884 Banks of the Seine at Lavacourt, 1878 Bathers at La Grenouillere, 1869 Basket of Graphes, Quinces and Pears, 1882-85 Beach and Cliffs at Pourville, Morning Effect, 1882 Beach in Juan-les-Pins, 1888 Bed of Chrysanthemums, 1897 Belle-Ile, 1886 Belle-Ile, Rain Effect, 1886 Belle-Ile, Rocks at Port-Goulphar, 1886 Belle-Ile, The Cliffs, 1886 Bennecourt, 1885 Bennecourt,1887 Blanche Hoschede, 1880 Boat at Low Tide at Fecamp,1881 Boaters at Argenteuil, 1874 Boats at Petit-Gennevilliers, 1872 Boats at Rouen, 1872 Boats at Zaandam, 1871 Boats in the Port of Honfleur, 1866 Boats in the Port of Honfleur, 1917 Boats in the Port of Le Havre, 1882-83 Boats in the Port of London, 1871 Boats Lying at Low Tide at Facamp, 1881 Boats on Rapair, 1873 Boats on the Beach at Etretat, 1883 Boats on the Beach at Etretat Boats on the Beach at Pourville, Low Tide, 1882 Boats on the Beach, 1883 Boats on the Beach, 1885 Boats on the Thames, Fog Effect, 1901 Boats on the Thames, London, 1901 Boatyard near Honfleur, 1864 Bordighera, 1884 Bordighera, Italy, 1884 Bordighera, the House of Gardener, 1884 Bordighera, View, 1884 Boulevard des Capucines, 1883 01 Boulevard des Capucines, 1883 02 Boulevard St.Denis, Argenteuil, Snow Effect,1875 Bouquet of Sunflowers, 1880 Bouquet of Gadiolas, Lilies and Dasies, 1878 Branch of Lemons, 1884 Branch of Lemons,1883 Branch of Orange Bearing Fruit, 1884 Breakup of Ice, 1880 Breakup of Ice, Grey Weather, 1880 Breakup of Ice, Lavacourt, Grey Weather,1880 Broad Landscape, 1862 Burgo Marina at Bordighera,1884 By the River at Vernon, 1883 By the Sea, 1864 Calm Weather, Fecamp, 1881 Camille Monet in the Garden at the House in Argenteuil, 1876 Canal in Amsterdam, 1874 Canal of Amsterdam in Winter, 1874 Cap Martin, 1884 01 Cap Martin, 1884 02 Cap Martin, 1884 03 Carrieres - Saint-Denis, 1872 Cart on the Snow Covered Road with Saint-Simeon Farm, 1865 Charing Cross Bridge (study), 1899-01 Charing Cross Bridge, 1899 01 Charing Cross Bridge, 1899 02 Charing Cross Bridge, 1899-01 01 Charing Cross Bridge, 1899-01 02 Charing Cross Bridge, 1899-01 03 Charing Cross Bridge, 1900 Charing Cross Bridge, 1901 01 Charing Cross Bridge, 1901 02 Charing Cross Bridge, 1902 01 Charing Cross Bridge, 1902 02 Charing Cross Bridge, 1903 01 Charing Cross Bridge, Cleopatra s Needle, 1899-1901 Charing Cross Bridge, Fog on the Themes, 1903 Charing Cross Bridge, Overcast Weather, 1900 Charing Cross Bridge, Reflections on the Thames, 1899-01 Charing Cross Bridge, The Thames 02, 1903 Charing Cross Bridge, The Thames, 1903 Christmas Roses, 1883 Chrysanthemums, 1878 Chrysanthemums, 1882 Church at Jeufosse, Snowy Weather, 1893 Clematises, 1887 Cliff at Dieppe, 1882 Cliff at Fecamp, 1881 Cliff at Grainval near Fecamp, 1881 Cliff at Grainval, 1882 Cliff at Petit Ailly in Grey Weather, 1897 Cliff at Petit Ailly, 1896 Cliff at Petit Ailly, at Varengeville, 1896 Cliff at Pourville 2, 1896 Cliff at Pourville in the Morning, 1897 Cliff at Pourville, 1896 Cliff at Pourville, 1896 Cliffs at Pourville, Rain, 1886 Cliffs at Pourville, Sunset, 1897 Cliff at Sainte-Adresse, 1873 Cliff near Dieppe, 1882 Cliff near Dieppe, 1897 Cliff near Fecamp, 1881 Cliff near Pourville, 1882 Cliffs and Sailboats at Pourville, 1882 Cliffs at Amont, 1885 Cliffs at Etretat, 1886 Cliffs at Pourville in the Fog, 1882 Cliffs at Pourville, Morning, 1897 Cliffs near Dieppe, 1882 Cliffs near Pourville, 1882 Cliffs of Les Petites-Dalles, 1880 Cliffs of Les Petites-Dalles, 1881 Cliffs of the Porte d Aval, 1885 Cliffs of the Porte d Aval, Grey Weather, 1883 Cliffs of Varengeville, Gust of Wind, 1881 Cliffs of Varengeville, Gust of Wind, 1882 Cliffs Walk at Pourville, 1882 Clifftop Walk at Pourville, 1882 Coal Dockers, 1875 Coast of Normandy Cobeas, 1883 Coming into Port-Goulphar, Belle-Ile, 1886 Corner of a Studio, 1861 Corner of the Apartment, 1875 Cote Sauvage, 1896 Customs House at Varengaville 2, 1897 Customs House at Varengaville, 1882 Customs House at Varengeville in the Fog, 1897 Customs House, 1882 Customs House, Rose Effect, 1897 Customs House, Varengeville, 1882 Dahlias 2, 1883 Dahlias, 1883 Dieppe, 1882 Dolceacqua, Bridge, 1884 Dolceacqua, Castle, 1884 Dolceacqua, Castle, 1884 Dr. Leclenche, 1864 Edge of the Cliff at Pourville, 1882 Edge of the Cliff, Pourville, 1882 Effect of Waves at Etretat, 1883 Entering the Village of Vetheuil in Winter, 1879 Entrance to the Port of Honfleur, 1870 Entrance to the Port of Trouville, 1870 Etretat, 1864 Etretat, Aiguille and Porte d`Aval, Sunset, 1883-85 Etretat, Cliff of Aval, 1885 Etretat, Cliff of Aval, Sunset, 1885 Etretat, Sailing Boats under the Sunset, 1882-83 Etretat, Sunset, 1883 Etretat, the Aval Door, Fishing Boats Leaving the Harbour, 1885 Etretat, the Beach and the Porte d Aval, 1883 Etretat, the Needle Rock and Porte d Aval, 1885 、1525 paintings_Evening at Argenteuil, 1876 Evening Effect of the Seine, 1881 Evening in the Meadow at Giverny (detail), 1888 Farm near Honfleur, 1864 Farm Yard at Chailly, 1865 Farmyard in Normandy, 1863 Farmyard, 1878 Fecamp, by the Sea, 1881 Festival at Argenteuil, 1872 Field at Gennevilliers, 1877 Field of Tulips in Holland, 1886 ield of Yellow Irises at Giverny, 1887 Fields of Flowers and Windmills near Leiden, 1886 Fields of Tulip With The Rijnsburg Windmill, 1886 Fisherman s Cottage at Varengeville, 1882 Fisherman s House at Varengeville, 1882 Fisherman`s House in Petit-Ailly, 1882 Fishing Boats (study), 1866 Fishing Boats at Etretat, 1873 Fishing Boats at Honfleur, 1868 Fishing Boats at Pourville, 1882 Fishing Boats at Sea, 1868 Fishing Boats at the Sea near Pourville, 1882 Fishing Boats at the Sea, 1868 Fishing Boats by the Beach and the Cliffs of Pourville, 1882 Fishing Boats Leaving the Harbor, Le Havre, 1874 Fishing Boats on the Beach at Etretat, 1884 Fishing Boats, 1885 Fishing Boats, Calm Sea, 1868 Fishing Nets at Pourville, 1882 Fishing on the River Epte, 1887 Floating Ice on the Seine, 1880 01 Floating Ice on the Seine, 1880 02 Floating Ice near Bennecourt, 1893 Floating Ice near Bennecourt, 1898 Floating Ice, 1882 Flood at Giverny, 1886 Flood at Giverny, 1896 Flood at Giverny, 1896-97 Flood of the Seine at Vetheuil, 1881 Flood Waters at Giverny, 1896 Flowering Pear Tree, 1885 Flowers and Fruit, 1869 Flowers at Vetheuil, 1881 Flowers in a Pot, 1878 Flowers Beds at Vetheuil, 1881 Flowers in a Vase, 1888 Flowers on the Banks of Seine near Vetheuil, 1880 Fog Effect, 1872 Fontainebleau Forest, 1865 Frost near Vetheuil, 1880 Frost, 1875 Fruit Basket with Apples and Grapes, 1879 Fruit Trees,1525 Garden at Sainte-Adresse, 1867 Garden in Bloom at Sainte-Addresse, 1866 Garden in Bordighera, Morning Effect, 1884 Garden of the Princess, 1867 Gardener s House at Antibes, 1888 Geese at the Stream, 1874 General View Of Rouen From St.Catherines Bank General View of Rouen, 1892 Gestrandetes Boot in Fecamp, 1868 Girls in a Boat, 1887 Girls in the Garden, 1875 Giverny in Springtime, 1899-1900 Gladiolus, 1881 Gladioluses, 1876 Gondola in Venice, 1908 Grand Quai at Havre, 1872 Green Park in London, 1871 Group of Rocks at Port-Goulphar, 1886 Group of Rocks, Port-Goulphar, 1886 Grove of Olive Trees in Bordighera, 1884 Guurtje Van de Stadt, 1871 Hauling a Boat Ashore, Honfleur, 1864 Haystack at Giverny, 1886 莫奈說:“當(dāng)你去畫畫時(shí),要設(shè)法忘掉你面前的物體,一棵樹、一片田野。只是想這是一塊藍(lán)色,這是一長條粉紅色,這是一條黃色,然后準(zhǔn)確地畫下你所觀察到的顏色和形狀。直到它達(dá)到你最初的印象為止。” 下面是小編最喜歡的系列之一《草垛》 Grainstack at Giverny, 1889 Grainstack at Sunset, 1891 Grainstack in Overcast Weather, Snow Effect, 1891 Grainstack at Sunset, Winter, 1890-91 Grainstack, Thaw, Sunset, 1891 Grainstack under the Sun, 1891 Grainstack, 1891 01 Grainstack, 1891 02 Grainstack, Impression in Pinks and Blues, 1891 Grainstack, Sun in the Mist, 1891 Grainstacks at Chailly at Sunrise, 1865 Grainstacks at Giverny, Morning Effect, 1889 Grainstacks at Giverny, Sunset, 1889 Grainstacks at Sunset, Snow Effect, 1891 Grainstacks at the End of Summer, Morning Effect, 1891 Grainstacks at the End of the Day, Autumn, 1891 Grainstacks in the Morning, Snow Effect, 1891 Grainstacks in the Sunlight, Midday, 1890 Grainstacks, 1891 Grainstacks, Snow Effect, 1890-91 Grainstacks, White Frost Effect, 1890-91 Grainstacks, White Frost Effect, 1891 1525 paintings_Haystack at Giverny, 1885 Haystack at Giverny, 1893 Haystack, 1865 Haystacks - White Frost, Sunrise, 1889 Haystacks at Giverny, 1884 Haystacks at Giverny, 1885 Haystacks at Giverny, 1894 Haystacks at Giverny, 1895 Haystacks, Overcast Day, 1884 Haytstacks (End of Summer), 1891 ·END· 丹青美術(shù)高中整理編輯 ?內(nèi)容出自轉(zhuǎn)載,我們致力于精彩內(nèi)容推送,轉(zhuǎn)載僅作觀點(diǎn)分享使用,版權(quán)歸原作者所有。 |