A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush |
二鳥在林,不如一鳥在手;即「多得不如現(xiàn)得」之意 |
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A penny for your thoughts |
告訴我你在想什麼 |
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A penny saved is a penny earned |
省一分錢,賺一分錢 |
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A perfect storm |
最壞的可能情況 |
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A picture is worth 1000 words |
百聞不如一見 |
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Actions speak louder than words |
行動勝於空談 |
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Add insult to injury |
雪上加霜、在傷口上灑鹽 |
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Barking up the wrong tree |
錯怪某人、把精力用在不該用的地方 |
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Birds of a feather flock together |
物以類聚(一般為貶義) |
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Bite off more than you can chew |
自不量力 |
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Break the ice |
緩和緊張氣氛,讓人感到自在 |
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By the skin of your teeth |
驚險、僥倖 |
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Comparing apples to oranges |
拿兩件不能相比的事情相提並論 |
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Costs an arm and a leg |
非常昂貴 |
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Do something at the drop of a hat |
不加思索地做某事、立馬做某事 |
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Do unto others as you would have them do unto you |
公平對待他人,即「己所不欲,勿施於人」之意 |
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Don't count your chickens before they hatch |
別打如意算盤 |
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Don't cry over spilt milk |
別做無益的後悔 |
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Don't give up your day job |
別好高騖遠 |
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Don't put all your eggs in one basket |
孤注一擲,表示風險很高 |
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Every cloud has a silver lining |
黑暗中總有一線光明 |
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Get a taste of your own medicine |
以其人之道還治其人之身、嚐嚐自己的苦果(貶義) |
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Give someone the cold shoulder |
冷落某人 |
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Go on a wild goose chase |
徒勞無益的追求、枉費心機 |
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Good things come to those who wait |
要有耐心,相當於「皇天不負有心人」 |
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He has bigger fish to fry |
比起現(xiàn)在在談的事情,有更重要的事情要辦 |
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He's a chip off the old block |
比喻兒子酷似父親 |
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Hit the nail on the head |
說話或行事恰到好處、正中要害或十分中肯 |
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Ignorance is bliss |
無知即是福 |
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It ain't over till the fat lady sings |
事情尚未結束,等者瞧 |
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It takes one to know one |
彼此彼此(貶義) |
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It's a piece of cake |
很簡單、小事一樁 |
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It's raining cats and dogs |
傾盆大雨 |
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Kill two birds with one stone |
一舉兩得 |
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Let the cat out of the bag |
不小心洩漏秘密 |
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Live and learn |
不經一事,不長一智 |
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Look before you leap |
三思而後行 |
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On thin ice |
若再犯錯,事情就大條了。即「如履薄冰」之意 |
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Once in a blue moon |
罕有 |
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Play devil's advocate |
故意唱反調 |
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Put something on ice |
擱置某事,暫不實施 |
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Rain on someone's parade |
破壞某人的興致 |
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Saving for a rainy day |
存錢以備不時之需,即「未雨綢繆」之意 |
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Slow and steady wins the race |
穩(wěn)紮穩(wěn)打,事必成。 |
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Spill the beans |
說漏嘴 |
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Take a rain check |
之後再說、計畫延期 |
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Take it with a grain of salt |
不完全相信、持保留態(tài)度 |
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The ball is in your court |
決定權在你、看你的了 |
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The best thing since sliced bread |
很棒的發(fā)明 |
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The devil is in the details |
表面上看起來都沒問題,但只要仔細一看,就會發(fā)現(xiàn)很多問題 |
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The early bird gets the worm |
早起的鳥兒有蟲吃;捷足先登 |
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The elephant in the room |
問題顯然存在,卻被人刻意回避及無視。 |
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The whole nine yards |
全部、整整 |
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There are other fish in the sea |
錯過這次機會沒關係,還會有其他機會;亦有「天涯何處無芳草」之意 |
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There's a method to his madness |
表面看似瘋狂,其實有他的道理 |
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There's no such thing as a free lunch |
天下沒有白吃的午餐;沒有不勞而獲的事 |
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Throw caution to the wind |
冒個險 |
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You can't have your cake and eat it too |
魚與熊掌不可兼得;無法樣樣兼得 |
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You can't judge a book by its cover |
不能以貌取人 |
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