A&CP:- Anchors and Chains Proved aa:- Always Afloat Aar:- Against all risks AB:- Able-bodied seaman ABS:- American Bureau of shipping Abt:- About (also abt.) A/C:- Account Add:- Addressed Addtl:- Additional A.D.I.S:- Automated computer based Data Interchange System A dk:- Awning deck (Lloyd\\'s Register) Adv:- Advice Adval:- Ad valorem. (According to value) A/F:- Advanced freight A/F:- Also for (referring to port or ports to be touched by the ship) A.F.R.A:- Average Freight Rate Assessment AFT:- After end of ship A.G.B:- Any good brand Agt:- Agent; Against A.H:- After hatch (chartering) AHD:- Ahead (shipping) AH RANGE:- Ports within the Antwerp-Hamburg range A.I.C.S:- Associate of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers A.I.F.T.A:- Associate Institute Freight Trades Association; Anglo-Irish Free Trade Area AMT:- Amount AN:- Arrival Notice ANF:- Arrival Notification Form Advice to Consignee of goods coming forward ANS:- Answer A/o:- Account of (also AO.) AOB:- As on Board AP:- Additional premium/Average payable APPRO:- Approval APPROX:- Approximately AR:- Arrived (shipping news) A/R:- All risks (also A.R.) Regards to Insurance; Against all risks (also a.a.r) Marine Insurance AS:- After sight/Account sales/Alongside ASABOSA:- Association of Ships Agents and Brokers of South Africa A.S.A.P:- As soon as possible A/Side:- Alongside (also A/S) A.T.A:- Actual Time of Arrival ATS:- All time saved A.T.S.D.O:- All Time Saved Discharging Only (chartering) also a.t.s.d.o. A.T.S.L.O:- All Time Saved Loading Only (chartering) also a.t.s.l.o. AV:- Available Container A.W.T.S.B.E:- All Working Time Saved Both Ends (also a.w.t.s.b.e) chartering A.W.T.S.D.O:- All Working Time Saved Discharging Only (chartering) also a.w.t.s.d.o. A.W.T.S.L.O:- All Working Time Saved Loading Only (chartering) also a.w.t.s.l.o. B:- Breadth; Beam – naval architecture; Bale also B/-; Bag also B/- or Bg; Position of centre of buoyancy – naval architecture; Bridge – Lloyd\\'s register; Bale capacity – in cubic metres – Lloyd\\'s register BAF:- Bunker Adjustment Factor - Freight adjustment factor to reflect current cost of bunkers. BAL:- Balance – also bal. BBB:- Before Breaking Bulk, i.e. before opening hatches to discharge BC:- Buyers Option BCV:- Barge carrying vessel BD:- Bank Draft, Bar Draft (grain trade) Bdi:- Both Dates Inclusive Bdls:- Bundles B/E:- Bill of Entry Customs Bf:- Brought forward BFC:- Baltimore Form Charter Party - used for Grain cargoes BHP:- Brake Horse Power BIFA:- British International Freight Association of freight forwarders BIMCO:- Baltic and International Maritime Council. A Danish based organisation to which many shipowners belong that represents their interests and assists by preparing standard charter parties and other shipping documents and providing other advisory services. bkg:- Banking B/L:- Bill of Lading BN:- Booking Note B.O:- Brought over B/P:- Bills payable B.P.B:- Bank Post Bill BS:- Bill of Sale/Bill of Store BSC:- British Shippers Council BSI:- British Standards Institution - The authorised body for the preparation of national standards in the U.K. Blank Endorsement. BSR:- Basic service rate – sea freight element of the tariff BSt:- Bill of Sight bt.:- Berth Terms bt:- Billion tons btd:- Barrels per day BV:- Bureau Veritas – French ship classification society bxs:- Boxes C&D:- Collection and Delivery. Carriage from/to Customer\\'s premises to/from CFS. C&E:- Customs and Excise C&E.T:- Customs and Excise Tariffv C&F:- Cost and Freight. A conventional port-to-port Incoterm term of sale. More correctly known as CFR. C&I:- Cost and Insurance CA:- Cabotage CABAF:- Currency and Bunker Adjustment Factor. A combination of CAF and BAF. CAC:- Controlled Atmosphere Carriers / Containers C.A.D:- Cash Against Documents CAF:- Container Availability Forecast. Also Currency Adjustment Factor, Freight adjustment Factor, to reflect currency exchange fluctuations. C.A.N:- Customs Assigned Number cancl:- Cancelled; canceling - chartering cap:- Capacity CAP:- Eu. Common Agricultural Policy. EC Policy relating to agricultural produce. CAPT:- Captain CB:- Container base. Container freight stations. C.B.D:- Cash Before Delivery C.C.C:- Customs Co-operation Council. The forum for international co-operation between Customs authorities in an attempt to provide harmony and uniformity of approach. C.C.E:- Collector of Customs and Excise C.C.T:- Common Customs Tariff CCM:- Central Container Management CCO:- Container Cartage order CCU:- Clip-on Unit C.Dk:- Containers carried on Deck – Lloyd\\'s register CEAC:- Chief Executive\\'s Advisory Committee Cert:- Certificate CF:- Carried forward CFB:- Citrus Fruit Board CFR:- Cost and Freight. A conventional / port-to-port only incoterm term of sale. Popularly referred to as C&F. CFS:- Container Freight Station. Place for packing and unpacking LCL consignments. Variously known as C/Bs CFSP:- Customs Freight Simplified Procedures. A paperless simplified clearance procedure currently undergoing trials with selected parties. C.G.A:- Cargo\\'s proportion of General Average C.G.S.A:- Carriage of Goods by Sea Act – also C.O.G.S.A. Ch:- Chief C.H:- Custom House CHIEF:- Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight. Customs computer system to handle clearance procedures. CHOPT:- Charterer\\'s Option. CHQ:- Cheque C/I:- Certificate of insurance CIF:- Cost, Insurance and Freight. A conventional port-to-port only, Incoterm term of sale. CIFC&I:- Cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest CIP:- Carriage and Insurance paid To a new Combined Transport Incoterm replacing CIF where CT is involved but applicable to all modes of transport. Particularly appropriate for Combined Transport CIR:- Container Inspection Report C.K.D:- Completely Knocked Down; Cars Knocked Down CMI:- Comite Maritime International. An international committee of maritime lawyers. Cmpl:- Completed – Lloyd\\'s register CN:- Credit note, Consignment note, Cover c/o:- Care of; Carried over CO:- Container Operator/Certificate of origin c.o.a:- Cash on Arrival C.O.A:- Contract of Affreightment COB:- Close of Business COD:- Change of Destination Coll:- Collision – Lloyd\\'s register Com:- Commission Consgt:- Consignment C.O.P:- Counter Opposition Policy. Custom of the port. c.o.p:- Cash on Presentation of documents COT:- Customer\\'s Own Transport Customer collects from / delivers to CFS/CY COTIF:- Eu. Convention Concerning International carriage by Rail COU:- Clip on Unit. Portable refrigeration units. Or Central Operating Unit Body set up to co-ordinate consortium operations in a trade. C/P:- Charter Party; Custom of Port – also C.O.P – Grain Trade CPD:- Central Planning Department - Ro/Ro vessels. Charter Party Does. CPT:- Carriage Paid to A new Combined Transport incoterm replacing CFR where CT is involved but applicable to all modes of transport particularly appropriate for Combined Transport CQD:- Customary Quick Despatch C.R.D:- Discharging at Current Rate - chartering CRN:- U.K. Customs Registered Number A number allocated by C&E to an exporter or agent (Freight Forwarder) for use when exports are to be entered under the SCP cs:- Cargo segregation – Lloyd\\'s register CSC:- Container Safety Convention. International convention for safe containers. CSD:- Container Systems Department. CT:- Combined Transport Carriage by more than one mode of transport against one contract of carriage. CTBC:- Coastal Transit Bill Container. CTBEC:- Coastal Transit Bill C.T.L. Empty Container. CTD:- Combined Transport Document. The CTO\\'s Bill of Lading. CTL:- Constructive total loss. CTLO:- Constructive total, loss only. CTO:- Combined Transport Operator. A Carrier who contracts as a principal to perform a CT operation. Container Terminal Order CTS:- Container Throughput Summary Cu.Ft.:- Cubic Feet CWE:- Cleared Without Examination Cleared by Customs without inspection. CY:- Container Yard Collection and Distribution point for loaded FCL and empty containers. D:- Door. DAA:- Discharge always afloat D.A.D:- Documents Against Discretion of collecting bank DAF:- Delivery at Frontier. An incoterm term of sale applicable to all modes of transport. DAN:- Deferment Approval Number. An account held by a trader with HMC & E to which duty & VAT are debited direct. DAT:- Delivery Air temperature DBB:- Deals, boards and battens d.b.e:- Dispatch Payable Both Ends – chartering D.B.E.A.T.S:- Dispatch payable both ends on all time saved D.B.E.W.T.S:- Dispatch payable both ends on working time saved Dbk:- Drawback - customs D.C:- Deviation Clause. Detention Clause (also D.Cl). Direct current (also d.c). Direct Continuation - refers to the extension of a Time Charter contract DD:- Dry dock. D.D:- Damage Done d.d:- Due date D/D:- Demand Draft; Delivered at Docks d.d.o:- Dispatch discharging only DDP:- Delivered Duty Paid. An incoterm of sale applicable to all modes of transport. dd./s:- Delivered sound – Grain trade DDU:- Delivered Duty Unpaid. An incoterm of sale applicable to all modes of transport. Def:- Deferred – customs DEM-DES:- Demurrage and dispatch DEQ:- Delivered Ex Quay. A conventional port-to-port incoterm term of sale. (Used to be EXQ) DES:- Delivered Ex Ship. A conventional port-to-port incoterm of sale. Used to be EXS. Dest:- Destination DETR:- Department of the Environment Transport and the Regions. d.f:- Dead freight – D/f DFB:- Deciduous Fruit Board DFT:- Draft DG:- Dangerous Goods. DHDATSBE:- Demurrage half despatch on all time saved both ends DHDWTSBE:- Demurrage half despatch on working time saved both ends Disch:- Discharge Dischg:- Discharging d.l.o:- Dispatch loading after - chartering DO:- Delivery Order DOP:- Dropping Outbound Pilot DOT:- Department of Transport d.p:- Direct port - chartering DR:- Debit, Debtor, Drawer DRO:- Delivery Release Order DST:- Double stack train with flatbeds capable of carrying containers two-high. DTI:- Department of Trade and Industry Government Department with responsibility for trade matters. DW:- Deadweight DWAT:- Deadweight Average Tonnage DWC:- Deadweight capacity d.w.c.c:- Deadweight cargo capacity - chartering DWT:- Deadweight tonnage E&0E:- Errors and Omissions Excepted EB:- Executive Board E.C.C:- Exchange Control Copy – customs; Extended Cover Clause – marine insurance ECG:- Export Credits Guarantee Insurance on goods shipped against non-payment by reason of commercial and / or political risks as arranged. ECP:- Electronic Commerce Project ECSA:- European Community Shipowners Association ECSI:- Export Cargo Shipping Instruction. Shipping Instructions from Shipper to Carrier. EDI:- Electronic Data Interchange. The transfer of structured data from one computer system to another. EDP:- Electronic Data Processing Computer processing of Data. EHA:- Equipment Handover Agreement. Agreement acknowledging condition signed when taking over Carrier\\'s equipment and returning it, which incorporates terms of contract under which equipment is taken over. EIR:- Equipment Interchange Receipt EPU:- Entry Processing Unit. Customs office that processes Customs entries EQPT:- Equipment ESC:- European National Shippers Councils EST:- Estimated ETA:- Estimated Time of Arrival. ETD:- Estimated Time of Departure. ETR:- Estimated Time of Readiness Exd:- Examined – Ex. Exn:- Examination EXW:- Ex Works. An incoterms term of sale applicable to all modes of transport ex whf:- Ex wharf F&D:- Freight and demurrage FA:- Free alongside FAA:- Free of all average f.a.c:- Fast as can f.a.c.c.o.p:- As fast as ship can load/discharge according to custom of port - chartering F.Ahd:- Full ahead - shipping FAK:- Freight All Kinds. System whereby freight is charged per container, irrespective of nature of goods, and not according to a Tariff. FAS:- Free Alongside Ship. A conventional / port-to-port only incoterm term of sale. FAV:- Fresh Air ventilation fbd:- Freeboard – also Fbd. FBL:-Forwarders Bill of Lading for members of the FIATA. FCA:- Free Carrier (named place) A new Combined Transport incoterm replacing FOB where CT is involved, but applicable to all modes of transport. Particularly appropriate for Combined Transport FCL:- Full Container Load. Arrangement whereby Shipper utilises all the space in a container which he packs himself FCS:- Freight Calculation Sheet FD:- Free Discharge/Free Despatch/Free Delivery FF:- Freight Free FFA:- Free from alongside FFI:- For Further Instructions. Used in Place of Delivery box if final destination uncertain at time of shipment, e.g. Barking Containerbase FFI. FI:- Freight Invoice FIATA:- International Federation of Forwarding Agents Assoc. They have introduced a number of standard uniform documents and is recognised by the ICC and is available to member organisations of FIATA. FIB:- Free into barge/bunkers F.i.f.o:- First in first out FIO:- Free in and out FIOS:- Free In Out + Stow. Shipper pays for loading, stowing and discharging. FIOST:- Free in, out, stowed and trimmed FIOT:- Free in/out and trimmed FMC:- Federal Maritime Commission. US Federal Authority governing sea transport. FMS:- Freightmarine Shipping FOB:- Free On Board. A conventional / port-to-port only incoterm term of sale FOC:- Free of change/free on car FOD:- Free of damage FOQ:- Free on quay FOR:- Free on rail FOS:- Free on ship FOT:- Free on truck FOW:- First open water/free on wagon FP:- Flash Point/Floating Policy FPA:- Free of Particular Average FPD:- Freight Payable at Destination FPT:- Fore Peak Tank FR:- Flatrack Container F/R:- Freight Release FRT:- Freight Frt.fwd:- Freight forward Frt.ppd:- Freight pre paid FSC:- For Ship\\'s Convenience FT:- Free turn; or full terms; or freight ton F.W:- Fresh Water FTW:- Free Trade Wharf 20 FT Fruit - port hole type (insulated)/reefer port hole type (insulated)/I.R. (integral reefer) insulated + reefer machinery. FWD:- Forward. Fresh water damage GA:- General Average GA con:- General Average Contribution G/A dep:- General Average deposit (also G.A. Dep.) GATT :-Abbreviation for 'General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.' A multilateral treaty to help reduce trade barriers between the signatory countries and to promote trade through tariff concessions. The World Trade Organization (WTO) superseded GATT in 1994. G.B.O:- Goods in bad order GM:- Goods Consignment Note GO:- General Order. Issued by Customs as notice of intention to seize goods. GP:- General Purpose G.P:- General Purpose container GR:- Grain, Gross GRI:- General rate increase GRT:- Gross Registered Tonnage (also g.r.t) G.T:- Gross Tonnage guar:- Guaranteed
HBL:- House Bill of lading Hbr:- Harbour HC:- High Cube. Containers 9 ft 6 ins high instead of usual 8 ft 6 ins. HFO:- Heavy Fuel Oil of the highest viscosity supplied by a refinery HH:- Half Height. An OT container only 4 ft 3 ins high. HL:- Half Length. Heavy Lift HNS:- Hazardous & Noxious Substances. An international convention which was agreed at a diplomatic conference in 1996 HO:- Head office HSS:- Heavy Grain, Soya\\'s, Sorghum Ht:- Height H.W:- High Water H.W.M:- High water mark I.A.C.S:- International Association of Classification Societies I.A.I.N:- International Association of Institutes of Navigation I.A.L.A:- International Association of Lighthouse Authorities I.Arb:- Institute of Arbitrators I.A.T.A:- International Air Transport Association IB:- In bond IBAP:- Intervention Board for Agricultural Produce. Authority monitoring application of CAP I.B.C:- Intermediate bulk carrier I.C.&C:- Invoice cost and charges I.C.B:- International Container Bureau – also B.I.C. ICC:- International Chamber of Commerce. The ICC are responsible for the drawing up of many international trade laws in order to protect the interests of both the seller and the buyer for example the INCOTERMS 2000 and the UCP 500 for documentary letters of credit. ICC:- Ins. Institute Cargo Clauses. The Institute of London Underwriters standard clauses for cargo insurance. ICC:- U.S. Interstate Commerce Commission. The U.S. governmental body to regulate interstate trade. ICD:- Inland Container Depot. A CFS with Customs Clearance Facilities. I.C.H.C.A:- International Cargo Handling Co-Ordination Association I.C.O.T.A.S:- International Committee on the Organisation of Traffic at Sea I.C.S:- International Chamber of Shipping; Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers I.D:- Import duty IEF:- International Exchange File I/F:- Insufficient funds I.F.F:- Institute of Freight Forwarders IFO:- Intermediate Fuel Oil (grade of fuel of viscosity between H.F.O. and M.D.O.) I.F.S.M.A:- International Federation of Ship\\'s Masters\\' Association – also I.F.S.A. I.F.T.A:- Institute of Freight Trades Association I.L.A:- Institute of loss adjusters I.L.U:- Institute of London Underwriters IMB:- Imbalance IMDG Code:- International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code. The IMO recommendations for the carriage of dangerous goods by sea. IMO:- International Maritime Organisation. The UN Body charged with the duty of making safety and anti-pollution conventions and recommendations concerning sea transport. IMS:- Information Management Systems (Computer) INS:- Insurance INT:- Interest Inv:- Invoice; Investment I/O:- In and/or over (stowage of cargo under or on deck) I.S.F:- International Shipping Federation ISO:- International Standards Organisation. International Organisation of National Standard Bodies responsible, inter alia, for setting standards. ITS:- Long Term Storage IV:- Invoice Value/Increased Value IWL:- Institute Warranty Limits J. & W.O:- Jettison and washing overboard JCL:- Joint Container Line kn:- Knots – also k, knt, kts. Kt:- Thousand tons L:- Levy, Liquid capacity, Lever engines L/A:- Landing account; Lloyd\\'s Agent; Letter of Authority LASH:- Lighter aboard ship Lat:- Latitude LAYCAN:-Laydays/Cancelling (date): Range of dates within the hire contract must start. L.B.P:- Length between Perpendiculars L/C:- Letter of Credit. The document in which the terms of a Documentary Credit transaction are set out. L.C:- Logistic Centre/London clause LCL:- Less than Container Load. A parcel of goods too small to fill a container which is grouped by the Carrier at a CFS with other compatible goods for the same destination. Ld:- Load Ldg:- Landing; Loading – also ldg. Ldg. & Dely:- Landing and Delivery Lds:- Loads LEC:- Local Export Control. A system of clearing export containers at Exporter\\'s premises. LEFOS:- Lands End for Orders LI:- Letter of Indemnity Sometimes used to allow Consignee to take delivery of goods without surrendering B/L which has been delayed or become lost. LIC:- Local Import Control. A system of clearing import containers at Importer\\'s premises. L.I.F.O:- Liner in free out l.i.f.o:- Last in first out L.I.T:- Longitude in time Lkg & Bkg:- Leakage and Breakage LL:- Load List; Long Length L.L:- Load Lines LLMC:- International Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims. A 1976 limitation convention enacted in the UK by the Merchant Shipping Act 1979. LNG:- Liquefied Natural Gas L.O.A:- Length overall LOA – Letter of Authority LOF\\'95:- Lloyds Open Form 1995. A standard form of salvage agreement. LO-LO:- Lift-On/Lift-Off. A containership onto which and from which containers are lifted by crane (as opposed to Ro-Ro). Long:- Longitude LPC:- Last Port of call L.P.G:- Liquefied Petroleum Gas LR:- Lloyds Register of Shipping LTBENDS:- Liner Terms Both Ends – also l.t. bends LWOST:- Low Water Ordinary Spring Tide lwt:- lightweight M&R:- Maintenance and Repair M:- Motor. MA:- Manifest Amendment MARPOL:- Marine Pollution convention MARSCC:- Marine Stowage Co-ordination Centre MCR:- Maximum Continuous Rating MDA:- Mean Draft Arrival MDD:- Mean Draft Departure MDO:- Marine Diesel Oil m.dwt:- million tons deadweight MED:- Mediterranean mg:- Managing Mgr:- Manager Mgt:- Management M.I.A:- Marine Insurance Act Min. B/L:- Minimum Bill of Lading MIN WT:- Minimum weight Misc:- Miscellaneous MLA:- Maritime Law Association. MLE:- Multiple Line Enquiry MMO:- Mercantile Marine Office MMO:- Multi Modal Operator. MO:- Marketing Organisation MOH:- Medical Officer of Health MOLOO:- More or less in Owner\\'s Option M/R:- Mate\\'s Receipt – also M.R. MS:- Motor Ship MSC:- Maritime Safety Committee (of IMCO) MSA:- Merchant Shipping Acts MT:- Empty – also m.t. An empty container or Multimodal Transport. Metric Tons. MTD:- Multimodal Transport Document. MTO:- Multimodal Transport Operator. Same as MMO. MV:- Motor Vessel – also m.v. n.a:- Not available (N.A.) NAABSA:- Not always afloat but safe aground NAD LIST:- Name and address NAWK:- National Association of Warehouse Keepers. NB:- Northbound n.d:- Non-delivery NDOT – National Department of Transport N/m:- No marks (N.m.) N.O.R:- Notice of Readiness (N/R) N.O.R.A:- Notice of Readiness Accepted N.O.R.T. & A:- Notice of Readiness Tendered and Accepted NPC:- Next Port of Call NPV:- Net present value NRAD:- No risk after discharge NRT:- Net registered tonnage NtWt:- Net weight NVO(C)C:- Non Vessel Owning/Operating (Common) Carrier. A Carrier issuing Bs/L for carriage of goods on vessels which he neither owns nor operates. NWC:- North West Continent OBO:- Oil Bulk Ore Carrier OBOC:- Oil Bulk Ore Carrier o/c:- Overcharge Oc. B/L:- Ocean Bill of Lading O/c.d:- Other cargo damage OCL:- Overseas Containers Limited OD:- on Deck OF:- outward Freight OH:- Overheight. A container/flat rack with goods protruding above the top of the corner posts. OHTB:- Official Harbour Tariff Book O/o:- Order of OOG:- Out of Gauge. Goods whose dimensions exceed those of the container/flat rack in which they are packed. O.P:- Open Policy OR:- Owners Risk O.S:- Ordinary Seaman. OS:- Open sided container. Overseas. Overstay/Off slip/Open slip. OSCB:- Oilseeds Control Board OSP:- One Safe Port OT:- Open Top. A container with tarpaulin covered open roof. O.T.A.R:- Overseas Tariffs and Regulations OW:- Overwidth. A container with goods protruding beyond the sides of the container/flat rack onto which they are packed. P & I:- Protection and Indemnity P & I Club:- Protection and Indemnity Club. Protection and Indemnity Association Carrier\\'s mutual liability insurer. PA:- Particular Average. Partial accidental loss or damage (as opposed to Total Loss or General Average). pa:- Per annum PCL:- Parcel PCNT:- Panama Canal Net Ton pcs:- Pieces PD:- Packing Declaration, passed, paid, port dues. PER DIEM :-A charge, based on a fixed daily rate. PF:- Platform PFSO – Port Facility security Officer PFSP – Port Facility Security Plan PHA:- Port Health Authority. PIRN:- Positioning Instruction Reference Number pkg:- Package Pkge:- Package PL:- Partial Loss P.M.T:- Per metric ton P/N:- Promissory Note PO:- Positioning POA:- Place of Acceptance. Where the goods are received for transit and Carrier\\'s liability commences. Now more usually called a POR. P.O.B:- Pilot on Board; Post Office Box p.o.c:- Port of call POD:- Port of Discharge; Pay on delivery; Place of Delivery - where goods are delivered and Carrier\\'s liability ceases; or Proof of Delivery. A signed receipt acknowledging delivery. POL:- Port of Loading P.O.R:- Place of Receipt; Port of refuge (p.o.r.); Port of Registry. PP:- Per pro. (on behalf of)/Picked ports ppd:- Prepaid PPECB:- Perishable Products Export Control Board PPI:- Planned Position Indicator (radar screen) PSD:- Parcel size distribution PSI – Pre-shipment inspection P/side:- Port side – left side of ship P to P:- U.K. Port to Port. U.S. Pier to Pier. Qlty:- Quality Qn:- Quotation (qn.) qty:- Quantity Qy:- Query R:- Rail. rcv:- Receiver r.d:- Running days R/D:- Refer to drawer RDC:- Running Down clause recd:- Received Redel:- Redelivery Redicon:- Refrigerated Digital Control Ref:- Ship fitted with refrigerated cargo installation; Refraction; Reference reg:- Registered (regd) RFR:- Required freight rate RFS:- Received for shipment RIB:- Retained/Railed in bond RINA:- Registro Italiano Navale RMT:- Road Motor Transport RN:- Release Note. Receipt signed by Customer acknowledging delivery of goods. r.o.b:- Retained on Board/Remaining on Board RO-RO:- Roll On-Roll Off. A ferry type vessel onto which goods and containers can be driven, usually via a ramp. RPT:- Rate per Ton RT:- Radio Telephone S. & F.A:- Shipping and Forwarding Agent S. & L:- Sue and labour S.A:- South Africa s/a:- Safe arrival; Subject to approval SACD:- South African Container Depots SAD:- U.K. Single Administrative Document. Customs Declaration Form for both import and export cargo. SB:- Southbound SBT:- Segregated ballast tanks SCAAFF:- South and Central African Association of Freight Forwarders SCAR:- Straight Consignment-Automatic Release. SCC:- Stowage Co-ordination Centre SCNT:- Suez canal net ton SCP:- U.K. Simplified Clearance Procedure. A simplified clearance procedure, under which Exporters of goods not requiring special control may submit an abbreviated Customs pre-entry or an approved commercial document at the time of export and provide the full statistical information after the goods are exported. SCS:- Safmarine Computer Services SD:- Sailed s.d:- Short Delivery; small damage; sea damage SDR:- Special Drawing Rights. The mean of a basket of currencies designed to stabilise currency exchange fluctuations in international valuations. Now used to express limitation in the Hague Visby Rules and MSA Limitation Convention etc. S.D.W.T:- Summer dead weight S.E.D:- Shipper\\'s Export Documentation S.F:- Shear force; stowage factor S.G.S.:- Societe Generale Surveillance (French owned organisation in the field of Quality assurance, inspection and verification SHEX:- Sundays and Holidays excluded SHEXEIU:- Sundays and Holidays excepted Even if used SHEXUU:- Sundays and Holidays excepted unless used Shinc:- Sunday and Holidays included Shipt:- Shipment (Shpt.) Shpg:- Shipping SHIX:- Sundays and Holidays included SHP:- Shaft Horse Power SI:- Shipping Instruction/Short interest SITPRO:- Simpler Trade Procedures Board. sld:- Sailed S.M:- Shipping Master SMEU:- Six metre equivalent unit SMM:- Shipping market model SN:- Shipping Note SO:- Ship Operator; Sellers option; Stop order - placed by customs on goods not correctly cleared or required for inspection. SOB:- Shipped On Board. Endorsement on a Bill of Lading confirming loading of goods on vessel. SOL:- Shipowner\\'s Liability S.O.L.A.S:- Safety of life at sea Convention S.O.S:- Save our souls SPR:- Sun Protection Required SRP:- Stack Reception Period SS:- Steamship S/side:- Shipside SSN:- U.K. Standard Shipping Note. s.t.c:- Said to contain std.:- Standard s.t.w:- Said to weigh S.V:- Sailing Vessel SW:- Salt Water SWAD:- Salt Water Arrival Draft S.W.L:- Safe Working Load; Statutory Water Level TARV:- Transatlantic Round Voyage TBN:- To be nominated/narrowed T/C:- Till countermanded; Time Charter TCA:- Technical Compatibility Agreement T.C.H:- Time charter hire T. Dk:- Tween deck TDL:- Terminal deadline t.d.w:- tons deadweight Temp:- Temperature; Temporary TEU:- Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit. eg. 1 x 40ft = 2 TEU; 1 x 20ft = 1 TEU. TF:- Tropical fresh water zone load line mark THC:- Terminal Handling Charge. A charge for handling FCLs at ocean terminals. Also known as a Container/Port Service Charge. TIR:- Turn-in Reconciliation; Eu. Transports International Routiers - A system involving the issue of a carnet to road hauliers which allows loaded vehicles to cross national frontiers with minimum Customs formalities; U.S. Trailer Interchange Receipt - receipt to shipper delivering a loaded export container to a terminal. Tk:- Tank (Ta) T.L:- Total Loss (T/L) TO:- Terminal Operator; Transshipment Order; Transfer Order. Tonn:- Tonnage TS:- Transshipment. Transfer from one vessel to another for on carriage. TSP:- Terminal ship planner Tss:- Twin screw ship TTO:- Through Transport Operator. A Carrier who contracts to carry goods (only part of which carriage he undertakes himself) on the basis that he is a principal whilst the goods are in his personal care and an agent only whilst they are not. TRIPS:- Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights TTT:- Temperature Tolerance Tim UCC:- U.S. Uniform Commercial Code. UCP:- Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits. The 'Bankers Bible' on Documentary Credit interpretation issued by the ICC (Brochure no. 500 operating from 1st January 1994) u.d:- Under deck U.dk:- Upper deck U.L.C.C:- Ultra large crude (oil) carrier U.N:- United Nations. UNCITRAL:- United Nations Commission on International Trade and Law. UNCON:- Uncontainerable Goods. Goods which, because of their dimensions, cannot be containerised and which are therefore carried other than in a container. UNCTAD:- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. UO:- Underwriting Office Us:- Unserviceable u.s:- Under seal UT:- Unit train UU:- Unusable i.e. damaged container U/w:- Underwriter (uw; u/w) V.A.T:- Value Added Tax V.C:- Variable charge; valuation clause VDN:- Valuation Determination Number VDU:- Visual Display Unit V.L.C.C:- Very large crude carrier v.v:- Vice versa WA:- With average WAMLL:- Wool and Mohair Load List WB:- Waybill Wdk:- Weather deck W.F.A:- With following alteration w.g:- weight guaranteed whf:- Wharf W.H.O:- World Health Organisation WIBON:- Whether in berth or not WIFPON:- Whether in free pratique or not, WIPON:- Whether in port or not Wk:- Week Wkg:- Working W/M:- Weight and/or measurement w.o.b:- Washed overboard W.O.L:- Wharf owner\\'s liability W.P:- Water plane; Weather permitting; w.p:- Without prejudice. WPA:- With Particular Average W.R:- Warehouse receipt WT:- Watertight (W/T) W/T:- Wireless Telegraphy wt:- Weight WTS:- Working time saved W/W:- Warehouse warrant WW:- World Wide Trading W.W.D:- Weather working days W.W.D.SHEX:- Weather working days Sundays and Holidays excepted W.W.D.SHINC:- Weather working days Sundays and Holidays included W.W.R:- When and Where Ready XHAUL:- Cross Haul XXX:- Urgency signal transmitted by wireless telegraph YA1950:- York Antwerp rules - relates to G.A. yd:- Yard |