文章標題是:Tinagl1 Suppresses Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Progression and Metastasis by Simultaneously Inhibiting Integrin/FAK and EGFR Signaling .
菜鳥一枚,所以現(xiàn)在只是復現(xiàn)這篇 文章里的B圖 ;C圖里的通路GO/KEGG注釋及A圖中的GSEA下回分解?? (感覺任重而道遠)
All microarray data generated in this study have been deposited as a superseries at the NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus with the accession code GSE99507 , and can be accessed at https://www.ncbi.nlm./geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE99507.
<從下面開始,跟著老大的嗶哩嗶哩GEO挖掘視頻一步一步走> 1. 現(xiàn)在我們需要找到這個GSE號對應的GPL平臺,然后找到這個GPL平臺所對應的注釋R包 老大GEO視頻中一閃而過的文章是: 從GEO數(shù)據(jù)庫下載得到表達矩陣 一文就夠
接下來,因此我們可以去老大的搜集貼找對應關系,參考老大的這篇文章: (16)芯片探針與基因的對應關系-生信菜鳥團博客2周年精選文章集 ,截圖如下:
從以上列表中, 用GPL17077去找對應的注釋包,發(fā)現(xiàn)沒有。 (老大已經(jīng)總結地很全了,但是依然有些GPL平臺是沒有注釋包或者是有我們沒有找到。)
而老大GEO視頻里的GPL平臺其實是有注釋R包的,就是下圖中的這個 hgu95av2.db
總之,現(xiàn)在的GPL17077平臺現(xiàn)在并沒有對應的注釋R包,當然更不是視頻中的這個 hgu95av2.db
了。 為了能繼續(xù)跟著按照老大視頻中講的繼續(xù)做,我去Google搜索 ,用的是前面在GEO網(wǎng)站里GPL平臺對應的平臺信息,前面也有截圖,如下
# 首先我下載了一個錯誤的包 BiocManager::install('hgug4110b.db' ) library('hgug4110b.db' ) ?hgug4110b ls("package:hgug4110b.db" ) #下面這段很眼熟,就是我上面在R語言20 題里的截圖,我把視頻中的hgu95av2.db包換成我在谷歌搜索到的hgug4110b.db包 library('hgug4110b.db' ) ids=toTable(hgug4110bSYMBOL) length(unique(ids$symbol)) tail(sort (table (ids$symbol)))table (sort (table (ids$symbol))) plot(table (sort (table (ids$symbol)))) exprSet<-dattable (rownames(exprSet) %in % ids$probe_id) dim(exprSet) exprSet=exprSet[rownames(exprSet) %in % ids$probe_id,] dim(exprSet) ids=ids[match (rownames(exprSet),ids$probe_id),] head(ids) exprSet[1 :5 ,1 :5 ] tmp = by(exprSet,ids$symbol, function (x) rownames(x)[which.max (rowMeans(x))] ) probes = as.character(tmp) exprSet=exprSet[rownames(exprSet) %in % probes ,] dim(exprSet) #寫一個函數(shù),可以之間過濾掉其他探針并且進行ID轉換, #此時的id轉換是用bioconductor包來轉換的,如果下載的matrix,則不用轉換 jimmy <- function (exprSet,ids) { tmp = by(exprSet, ids$symbol, function (x) rownames(x)[which.max (rowMeans(x))] ) probes = as.character(tmp) print (dim(exprSet)) exprSet=exprSet[rownames(exprSet) %in % probes ,] print (dim(exprSet)) return (exprSet) } new.exprSet <- jimmy(exprSet,ids) #此時會報錯,因為現(xiàn)在的exprSet和ids的長度不一樣
由于expeSet里的ID能在ids里對應的很少, 大部分都是對應不上的 ,如下圖
對應上的基因數(shù)TRUE只有8190,因此我認為我谷歌到的這個 hgug4110b.db
而且老大視頻里又給了找不到對應的注釋R包時,通過下面的代碼來實現(xiàn)探針名和基因名的對接,代碼網(wǎng)址: https://github.com/jmzeng1314/my-R/blob/master/9-microarray-examples/E-MTAB-3017.R
#代碼如下 gpl <- getGEO('GPL17077' , destdir="." ) colnames(Table(gpl)) head(Table(gpl)[,c(1 ,6 ,7 )]) ## you need to check this , which column do you need write.csv(Table(gpl)[,c(1 ,6 ,7 )],"GPL17077.csv" ) ids=read.csv('GPL17077.csv' )#這樣我們就同樣獲得了探針對應基因的表達矩陣啦
2.下載數(shù)據(jù),獲得分組信息 下載數(shù)據(jù):老大在視頻里講了三種找到數(shù)據(jù)集后的數(shù)據(jù)下載方式,我簡單羅列如下(目的得到表達矩陣): 1.直接下載raw data,但不推薦大家用,原始數(shù)據(jù)
2.下載表達矩陣 series matrix file(s),下載后可讀到R里面,考驗網(wǎng)速
a=read.table('GSE42872_series_matrix.txt.gz' ) > class (a ) [1 ] "data.frame" > str(gset)
gset <- getGEO("GSE42589" )
library (GEOquery) gset <- getGEO('GSE42872' ,destdir="." ,AnnotGPL = F ,getGPL = F )
# 就這么來就對了,沒毛病 ###step1-downloadR rm(list = ls()) ## 魔幻操作,一鍵清空~ options(stringsAsFactors = F)# 注意查看下載文件的大小,檢查數(shù)據(jù) f='GSE99507_eSet.Rdata' library (GEOquery)# 這個包需要注意兩個配置,一般來說自動化的配置是足夠的。 #Setting options('download.file.method.GEOquery'='auto') #Setting options('GEOquery.inmemory.gpl'=FALSE) if (!file.exists(f)){ gset <- getGEO('GSE99507' , destdir="." , AnnotGPL = F, ## 注釋文件 getGPL = F) ## 平臺文件 save (gset,file =f) ## 保存到本地 }load ('GSE99507_eSet.Rdata' ) ## 載入數(shù)據(jù) class (gset)length (gset)class (gset[[1 ]])# 因為這個GEO數(shù)據(jù)集只有一個GPL平臺,所以下載到的是一個含有一個元素的list a=gset[[1 ]] dat=exprs dim(dat)# GPL3921 [HT_HG-U133A] Affymetrix HT Human Genome U133A Array # Bioconductor - hgu133a.db dat[1 :4 ,1 :4 ] pd=pData(a) #獲得分組信息,就得到了前面一張截圖,即前面懸念的解答處-GSE號對應的Samples分組信息,主要是根據(jù)文章里的那個截圖的分組信息來對字符串進行拆分(str_split)和替換(str_replace) library (stringr) group_list = trimws(str_split(pd$title,' ' ,simplify = T)[,5 ])#拆分 group_list = str_replace(group_list,'LM2' ,'Vector' )table (group_list)save (dat,group_list,file = 'step1-output.Rdata' )#此時,要注意保存的這個文件step1-output.Rdata,我們要知道此時的dat表達矩陣是什么樣的
3.ID轉換 ###step2-ids-filter.R rm(list = ls()) ## 魔幻操作,一鍵清空~ options(stringsAsFactors = F)load ('step1-output.Rdata' ) gpl <- getGEO('GPL17077' , destdir="." ) colnames(Table (gpl)) ## [1] 41108 17 head (Table (gpl)[,c(1 ,7 )]) ## you need to check this , which column do you need write.csv(Table (gpl)[,c(1 ,7 )],"GPL17077.csv" ) ids=read.csv('GPL17077.csv' ) ids=ids[,-1 ] dat[1 :4 ,1 :4 ] rownames(dat)#如前所述,現(xiàn)在沒有這個平臺對應的注視R包,所以下面是根據(jù)下載的dat和ids來進行的ID轉換步驟 ids[ids$GENE_SYMBOL!='' ,] ids=ids[ids$GENE_SYMBOL!='' ,]match (rownames(dat),ids$ID ) ids[match (rownames(dat),ids$ID ),] ids=ids[match (rownames(dat),ids$ID ),] ids=ids[complete.cases(ids),] dat=dat[ids$ID ,]#下面是針對那些有多個基因去重的步驟,注意理解為什么要取median(中位數(shù)),巧妙 ids$median =apply (dat,1 ,median ) ids=ids[order (ids$GENE_SYMBOL,ids$median ,decreasing = T),] ids=ids[!duplicated(ids$GENE_SYMBOL),] dat=dat[ids$ID ,] rownames(dat)=ids$GENE_SYMBOL dat[1 :4 ,1 :4 ] dim(dat)save (dat,group_list,file = 'step2-output.Rdata' )#此時此時,要注意保存的這個文件step2-output.Rdata,我們要知道此時的dat表達矩陣是什么樣的
4.PCA和Heatmap ###step3-pca-heatmap ##PCA主成分分析 (list = ls()) ## 魔幻操作,一鍵清空~ options(stringsAsFactors = F) load(file = 'step1-output.Rdata')# 每次都要檢測數(shù)據(jù) dat[1:4,1:4] ## 下面是畫PCA的必須操作,需要看說明書。 dat=t(dat) dat=as.data.frame(dat) dat=cbind(dat,group_list) library("FactoMineR" ) library("factoextra" ) # The variable group_list (index = ) is removed # before PCA analysis dat.pca <- PCA(dat[,-ncol(dat)], graph = FALSE) fviz_pca_ind(dat.pca,repel =T, #geom.ind = "point", # show points only (nbut not "text") col.ind = dat$group_list, # color by groups palette = c("#00AFBB" , "#E7B800" ), addEllipses = TRUE, # Concentration ellipses legend.title = "Groups" )##熱圖:heatmap-sd rm(list = ls()) ## 魔幻操作,一鍵清空~ options(stringsAsFactors = F) load(file = 'step1-output.Rdata')# 每次都要檢測數(shù)據(jù) dat[1:4,1:4] cg=names(tail(sort(apply(dat, 1, sd)),1000)) library(pheatmap) pheatmap(dat[cg,],show_colnames =F,show_rownames = F)rowMeans(dat[,1:3]) - rowMeans(dat[,4:6]) cg1=names(tail(sort(rowMeans(dat[,1:3]) - rowMeans(dat[,4:6]) ),500)) cg2=names(head(sort(rowMeans(dat[,1:3]) - rowMeans(dat[,4:6]) ),500)) cg=c(cg1,cg2) n=t(scale(t(dat[cg,]))) n[n>2]=2 n[n< -2]= -2n[1:4,1:4] pheatmap(n,show_colnames =F,show_rownames = F) ac=data.frame(g=group_list) rownames(ac)=colnames(n) pheatmap(n,show_colnames =F, show_rownames = F, cluster_cols = F, annotation_col=ac)
5.差異分析 ##step4-DEG rm(list = ls()) ## 魔幻操作,一鍵清空~ options(stringsAsFactors = F)load (file = 'step2-output.Rdata' )######要知道此時是step2中的dat哦 # 每次都要檢測數(shù)據(jù) dat[1 :4 ,1 :4 ]table (group_list)##boxplot圖 boxplot(dat[1 ,]~group_list) t.test(dat[1 ,]~group_list) bp=function (g){ library (ggpubr) df=data.frame(gene=g,stage=group_list) p <- ggboxplot(df, x = "stage" , y = "gene" , color = "stage" , palette = "jco" , add = "jitter" ) # Add p-value p + stat_compare_means() } bp(dat[1 ,]) bp(dat[2 ,]) bp(dat[3 ,]) bp(dat[4 ,])##DEG-limma包 library (limma) design=model.matrix(~factor( group_list )) fit=lmFit(dat,design) fit=eBayes(fit) options(digits = 4 )#topTable(fit,coef=2,adjust='BH') topTable(fit,coef=2 ,adjust='BH' ) bp(dat['KLK10' ,]) bp(dat['FXYD3' ,]) deg=topTable(fit,coef=2 ,adjust='BH' ,number = Inf)head (deg) save (deg,file = 'deg.Rdata' )## for volcano if (T){ nrDEG=deg head (nrDEG) attach(nrDEG) plot(logFC,-log10 (P.Value)) library (ggpubr) df=nrDEG df$v= -log10 (P.Value) ggscatter(df, x = "logFC" , y = "v" ,size =0.5 ) df$g=ifelse(df$P.Value>0.01 ,'stable' , ifelse( df$logFC >1.5 ,'up' , ifelse( df$logFC < -1.5 ,'down' ,'stable' ) ) ) table (df$g)#此時獲得的上調基因為20,下調基因為145 df$symbol=rownames(df) ggscatter(df, x = "logFC" , y = "v" ,size =0.5 ,color = 'g' ) ggscatter(df, x = "logFC" , y = "v" , color = "g" ,size = 0.5 , label = "symbol" , repel = T, #label.select = rownames(df)[df$g != 'stable'] , label.select = rownames(head (head (deg))), palette = c("#00AFBB" , "#E7B800" , "#FC4E07" ) ) ggscatter(df, x = "AveExpr" , y = "logFC" ,size = 0.2 ) df$p_c = ifelse(df$P.Value<0.001 ,'p<0.001' , ifelse(df$P.Value<0.01 ,'0.001<p<0.01' ,'p>0.01' )) table (df$p_c ) ggscatter(df,x = "AveExpr" , y = "logFC" , color = "p_c" ,size =0.2 , palette = c("green" , "red" , "black" ) ) }## 熱圖:for heatmap rm(list = ls()) ## 魔幻操作,一鍵清空~ options(stringsAsFactors = F)if (T){ load (file = 'step2-output.Rdata' ) # 每次都要檢測數(shù)據(jù) dat[1 :4 ,1 :4 ] table (group_list) load (file = 'deg.Rdata' ) x=deg$logFC names (x)=rownames(deg) cg=c(names (head (sort (x),20 )),#老大的代碼中是100、100,由于我獲得上下調基因少,就改了 names (tail(sort (x),145 ))) library (pheatmap) pheatmap(dat[cg,],show_colnames =F,show_rownames = F) n=t(scale(t(dat[cg,]))) n[n>2 ]=2 n[n< -2 ]= -2 n[1 :4 ,1 :4 ] pheatmap(n,show_colnames =F,show_rownames = F) ac=data.frame(g=group_list) rownames(ac)=colnames(n) pheatmap(n,show_colnames =F, show_rownames = F, cluster_cols = F, annotation_col=ac) }
十分 <感謝老大>