One day... I'll be someone's everything. 也許有一天 你會愛上我 I'll be here for you no matter what 此生為你而來 You're gonna want me again one day 終有一天 你會愛我 You still don't even know how bad I wanted you. 也許你不知道 我是超級想你 I don't want to see you with anyone but me. 我只愿你愛我一人 從不希望你愛別人 Truth is, I am really in love with you. 一切的真相 就是我愛你 You're the only one I want, nobody else. 寶貝,你是我唯一愛的人 I wish I could fall asleep with you right now. 但愿今夜,有你陪伴 If you told me you miss me right now, I would be so damn happy. 如果你對我說 你此時很想我 我會非常高興 I'm really hoping something good happens between us. 今生的我們 注定會有緣 我一直希望 |