“ 我得承認,在讀這篇文章之前我完全不知道所謂的5小時法則是什么。但文中強調(diào)的一些基本習慣以及能從中獲得的好處都很有道理。那么你將5小時法則運用得如何呢? ” Larry Wang 王承倫 | 職商網(wǎng)及王李亞洲資源的CEO 踐行5小時原則,走上不斷學習的道路 本杰明·富蘭克林每天踐行該原則1小時,一周共5小時。為什么你也應該這么做呢? 本杰明·富蘭克林在10歲時就離開了正規(guī)學校,在他父親手下當起了學徒。當時的少年富蘭克林除了愛看書之外,并沒有表現(xiàn)出特別的天賦或天資。 可是去世半個多世紀后,富蘭克林成為了美國最受尊敬的政治家、最著名的發(fā)明家,還是一位多產(chǎn)的作家和成功的企業(yè)家。 在這段時間內(nèi),到底發(fā)生了什么事情,讓他獲得了如此巨大的成功? 這個問題的答案其實就是一個成功策略,我們所有人都可以使用這一策略,而且必須要不斷運用這一策略。 五小時原則 縱觀富蘭克林的成年生活,我們可以發(fā)現(xiàn),他每天會花一小時,專門用于學習,多年如一日。我將其稱為富蘭克林的五小時原則:在每個工作日抽出一小時時間。 富蘭克林的學習時間包括:
每次富蘭克林踐行五小時原則時,都會從繁忙的一天中抽出時間,至少花一個小時學習,如此一來,那天就會少完成一些事情。但從長遠來看,這可以說是他做出的最佳時間投資。 富蘭克林的五小時原則印證了一個非常簡單的道理,即隨著時間的推移,最聰明、最成功的人往往是那些能不斷學習、刻意下工夫?qū)W習的人。 沃倫·巴菲特每天花五六個小時閱讀5份報紙、500頁公司報告;比爾·蓋茨每年閱讀50本書;馬克-扎克伯格每兩個星期至少會讀一本書;伊隆·馬斯克的弟弟說,他從小每天讀兩本書。奧普拉·溫弗瑞將她的成功原因歸結為閱讀:“書是我實現(xiàn)自由的通行證?!奔业脤殻绹揖舆B鎖店)的聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人阿瑟·布蘭克每天會花兩小時時間用于閱讀。白手起家的億萬富翁、克里夫蘭騎士隊的老板丹·吉伯特每天閱讀一到兩個小時。 那么,如果你也踐行五小時原則,你的生活會變得怎么樣呢? 五小時原則的核心理念:“真空區(qū)” 我們來看看國際象棋大師和世界武術冠軍Josh Waitzkin。他并沒有天天擠時間,以獲得最高生產(chǎn)力,他做的恰恰相反。Waitzkin同時也是《學習之道》的作者,他有意在每一天空出一段時間,并將其稱為“真空區(qū)”,專門用于學習、創(chuàng)意、以更高的質(zhì)量完成某件事情。近期,他在Tim Ferriss的一期播客中這樣解釋他的這種方法: “我在生活中創(chuàng)造了許多真空區(qū),用于形成各種創(chuàng)意想法,以及培養(yǎng)一種善于接受的心理狀態(tài),以便很好地了解與我一起共事的人們……在創(chuàng)意過程中,我們很容易追求效率,將創(chuàng)意需要的一些微妙的、內(nèi)在的東西視作理所當然,劍走偏鋒?!?/p> 學會給自己空出一段時間,這可以讓我們: 1.規(guī)劃學習。這可以使我們有機會仔細思考自己想要學習的東西。我們不應只想著自己要完成什么樣的目標,還應清楚自己到底想要學到什么。 2.刻意實踐。下意識、自動地做某件事情是不會讓你進步。我們可以通過這段時間將學到的各種法則運用于實踐,這樣才能不斷取得進步。我們可以將這些時間用于獲取真實的反饋,改進工作,還可以練習某些想要提高的技能。 3.反思。這可以幫助我們從更多角度看待所學之物,吸收新想法;還可以幫助我們培養(yǎng)“慢直覺”,以取得創(chuàng)造性的突破。獲得這些新想法的一種絕佳方式就是散步,許多偉人都非常熱衷于散步,如貝多芬和查爾斯·達爾文,史蒂夫·喬布斯和杰克·多西。還有一種絕佳方式是與人交談。 4. 留出時間,專門用于學習。學習方式包括讀書、談話、參加策劃、上課、觀察他人等各種活動。 5. 解決問題。大多數(shù)人會在白天遇到各種問題,但他們會把它們?nèi)釉谝贿叄@樣就能繼續(xù)做待辦事項列表上的事了。給自己空出一段時間,這樣在小問題變成大問題之前,我們就有時間解決它們了。 6.做可能會帶來巨大回報的小實驗。無論小實驗最終成功與否,這都給我們提供了一個學習、測試想法的好機會。 五小時原則帶來的改變 許多人會按照他們完成了多少事來評估一天的工作成果。這樣做的后果是,他們每天都在加速完成任務,可是這樣會放緩提升自己的速度。 五小時原則則是將兩者調(diào)換了順序,它首先注重的是學習。 為使大家更好地明白其中的含義,讓我們拿銷售拜訪舉例(注意:“銷售拜訪”可以替換成任意你經(jīng)常做的活動)。 大多數(shù)人會在拜訪前做個小調(diào)查,然后再進行拜訪,做好筆記,保存好筆記,然后進行下一個拜訪。 專注于學習的人則會思考要在拜訪時運用哪些技巧,然后在拜訪時運用它們,接著反思從拜訪中獲得的收獲。如果這個人想進一步提高學習水平,他/她就會邀請一位同事,和他一起拜訪,然后在結束后讓同事認真地提供一些反饋。 擁有一個不斷學習的生活方式,這意味著每做一次銷售拜訪,我們的水平就能提高一次。要注重學習,這會使我們有意識地訓練自己的行為,這樣我們才會不斷提升,而不是在原地停滯不前。每一件事情都是一次改進自我的機會。 專注學習,將其變成一種生活方式,長遠來看,我們會受益良多。 所以,你準備好采納五小時原則了嗎? 從每周閱讀一本書開始,怎么樣?比爾·蓋茨是世界上最富有的人,雇得起許許多多的老師和顧問,盡管如此,他依然堅每周讀一本書。在2016年接受《紐約時報》采訪時,他說道,“讀書仍然是我學習新東西、測試我的理解的主要途徑?!?/p> 想知道比爾·蓋茨、馬克·扎克伯格、桑德伯格和伊隆·馬斯克等成功人士推薦了哪些閱讀書目嗎?你可以找到原文并閱讀我們的報告,其中包含了強烈推薦你們閱讀的六本書的詳細內(nèi)容,還有460多本他們推薦的其他書籍。 來源:INC 翻譯:Tanya
1.留言:文章下方直接評論,小編會在后臺動動手指幫你上沙發(fā)。或者返回主頁面,直接回復你想跟我們說的話。 2.咨詢:關注王李每日問答板塊,無論是你是剛畢業(yè)進入職場的新手菜鳥,還是工作多年的資深人士,留言寫下你所關注的職場話題,我們會在接下來的問答環(huán)節(jié)與你進行深入探討。 3.推廣合作:合作需求請發(fā)送至marketing@wang-li.com “ I have to admit that before reading this article I had no idea what the 5-hour rule was. But the fundamental habit that it emphasizes and the many benefits you get from doing it makes a lot of sense. To what degree do you practice the 5-hour rule yourself? ” Larry Wang 王承倫, CEO of Zhishangcq.com & Wang & LI Asia Resources. Why Constant Learners All Embrace the 5-Hour Rule At the age of 10, Benjamin Franklin left formal schooling to become an apprentice to his father. As a teenager, he showed no particular talent or aptitude aside from his love of books. When he died a little over half a century later, he was America's most respected statesman, its most famous inventor, a prolific author, and a successful entrepreneur. What happened between these two points to cause such a meteoric rise? Underlying the answer to this question is a success strategy for life that we can all use, and increasingly must use. The five-hour rule Throughout Ben Franklin's adult life, he consistently invested roughly an hour a day in deliberate learning. I call this Franklin's five-hour rule: one hour a day on every weekday. Franklin's learning time consisted of:
Every time that Franklin took time out of his busy day to follow his five-hour rule and spend at least an hour learning, he accomplished less on that day. However, in the long run, it was arguably the best investment of his time he could have made. Franklin's five-hour rule reflects the very simple idea that, over time, the smartest and most successful people are the ones who are constant and deliberate learners. Warren Buffett spends five to six hours per day reading five newspapers and 500 pages of corporate reports. Bill Gates reads 50 books per year. Mark Zuckerberg reads at least one book every two weeks. Elon Musk grew up reading two books a day, according to his brother. Oprah Winfrey credits books with much of her success: 'Books were my pass to personal freedom.' Arthur Blank, co-founder of Home Depot, reads two hours day. Dan Gilbert, self-made billionaire and owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers, reads one to two hours a day. So what would it look like to make the five-hour rule part of our lifestyle? The core concept of the five-hour rule: empty space To find out, we need look no further than chess grandmaster and world-champion martial artist Josh Waitzkin. Instead of squeezing his days for the maximum productivity, he's actually done the opposite. Waitzkin, who also authored The Art of Learning, purposely creates slack in his day so he has 'empty space' for learning, creativity, and doing things at a higher quality. Here's his explanation of this approach from a recent Tim Ferriss podcast episode: 'I have built a life around having empty space for the development of my ideas for the creative process. And for the cultivation of a physiological state which is receptive enough to tune in very, very deeply to people I work with ... In the creative process, it's so easy to drive for efficiency and take for granted the really subtle internal work that it takes to play on that razor's edge.' Adding slack to our day allows us to: 1. Plan out the learning.This allows us to think carefully about what we want to learn. We shouldn't just have goals for what we want to accomplish. We should also have goals for what we want to learn. 2. Deliberately practice.Rather than doing things automatically and not improving, we can apply the proven principles of deliberate practice so we keep improving. This means doing things like taking time to get honest feedback on our work and practicing specific skills we want to improve. 3. Ruminate.This helps us get more perspective on our lessons learned and assimilate new ideas. It can also help us develop slow hunches in order to have creative breakthroughs. Walking is a great way to process these insights, as shown by many greats who were or are walking fanatics, from Beethoven and Charles Darwin to Steve Jobs and Jack Dorsey. Another powerful way is through conversation partners. 4. Set aside time just for learning.This includes activities like reading, having conversations, participating in a mastermind, taking classes, observing others, etc. 5. Solve problems as they arise.When most people experience problems during the day, they sweep them under the rug so that they can continue their to-do list. Having slack creates the space to address small problems before they turn into big problems. 6. Do small experiments with big potential payoffs.Whether or not an experiment works, it's an opportunity to learn and test your ideas. The difference the five-hour rule makes For many people, their professional day is measured by how much they get done. As a result, they speed through the day and slow down their improvement rate. The five-hour rule flips the equation by focusing on learning first. To see the implication of this, let's look at a sales call (note: replace 'sales call' with any activity you do repeatedly). Most professionals do a little research before the call, have the call, and then save their notes and move on. Somebody with a learning focus would think through which skill to practice on the call, practice it on the call, and then reflect on the lessons learned. If that person really wanted an extra level of learning, he or she would invite a colleague on the call and have the colleague provide honest feedback afterward. Embracing a learning lifestyle means that every time we make a sales call, we get better at doing sales calls. Focusing on learning un-automates our behaviors so we can keep improving them rather than plateauing. Every event is an opportunity to improve. By focusing on learning as a lifestyle, we get so much more done over the long term. So, are you ready to embrace the five-hour rule? How about reading a book a week to get started? Even though he's the richest man in the world and could afford to hire an army of teachers and consultants, Bill Gates still reads a book a week. In a 2016 New York Times interview, he said, 'Reading is still the main way that I both learn new things and test my understanding.' Want to read the most-recommended books by top leaders like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Sheryl Sandberg, and Elon Musk? Please find our report on the six highly recommended books you should read, along with 460-plus of their other book recommendations. Source: INC |