4月25日,2020年東京奧運會組委會公布了新版奧運會和殘奧會會徽。東京奧組委早在2015年7月24日就公布過東京奧運會和殘奧會會徽設(shè)計方案,但很快這個方案就被指涉嫌抄襲。隨后在2015年9月1日,東京奧組委宣布放棄采用這一方案。 The Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Organizing Committee decided on a new official emblem on Monday, seven months after an initial design was scrapped due to plagiarism accusations. 以藍色的長方形組合而成的圓形花紋成為新的會徽圖案,方格圖案中的顏色是日本最傳統(tǒng)的靛藍染色。在日本,格子圖案在江戶時期被正式定名為“市松模樣”,傳統(tǒng)靛藍色的格子圖案代表了優(yōu)雅和成熟。 The new emblem, a checkered pattern in 'the traditional Japanese color of indigo blue', was designed by 46-year-old Tokyo-based artist Asao Tokolo. 2015年9月1日,東京奧組委宣布放棄采用佐野研二郎涉嫌抄襲的會徽方案。隨后東京奧組委向社會公開征集,共收到14,599件會徽設(shè)計作品。東京奧組委主席即日本前首相森喜朗表示,為了選出新會徽,曾經(jīng)開過15次會議討論商定。最終在4件入圍作品中,選定由日本46歲藝術(shù)家野老朝雄設(shè)計的“市松模樣”。 It was chosen from a shortlist of four after some 14,599 entries were submitted in a contest open to the public. Yoshiro Mori, chief of the organizing committee, said the committee had met 15 times since last September to decide on the new emblem. 東京奧運會、殘奧會涉嫌抄襲的會徽 涉嫌抄襲會徽與比利時某劇場的logo對比 東京奧組委早在2015年7月24日就公布過東京奧運會和殘奧會會徽設(shè)計方案,該方案由佐野研二郎設(shè)計,但很快這個方案就被指涉嫌抄襲。隨后,東京奧組委宣布放棄采用這一方案。 The previous logo by Japanese artist Kenjiro Sano was scrapped last September over plagiarism accusations due to its similarity to the logo of a theater in Belgium. 版權(quán)所有:CRI NEWSPlus英語環(huán)球廣播 轉(zhuǎn)載請獲得許可