看過的劇很多,權利的游戲只有一個。 like this:When the sun has set, no candle can replace it. 下面進入多圖預警模式: 原文里面矮子是這樣解釋自己愛讀書的:讀書可以經(jīng)歷一千種人生,不讀書的人只能活一次。 這個侏儒從不鄙視上帝賜予的高度,他是從天上往下度量的。
north or south,they sing no songs for spiders. 2.若你的神真正存在且承秉公正,為何世界仍充滿不公。(所以我算是無神論者) if your gods are real and if they are just,why is the world so full of injustice the gods have no mercy,that's why they're gods 4.獅子從不在乎綿羊的看法。 the lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of the sheep. 5.你以為從貧困通往財富的道路永遠是純潔和榮耀的嗎?(屌絲不要有負罪感 do you think the path from poverty to wealth is always pure and honorable? 6.愛的人越多,你就越脆弱。(所以理智和清醒重要而少有人做得到) the more people you love, the weaker you are. 7.喝過酒后,任何故事都會更有味道。(男人需要喝二兩) there's no story so good a drink won't make it better. 8.你不應該在出手前面部扭曲,會被對方察覺。 you shouldn't grimace before you lunge,it gives away the game. 9.眼淚不是女人唯一的武器,……咳自行翻譯 tears aren't a women 's only weapon,the best one's between your legs 10.蘭尼斯特,有債必償。 A Lannister always pays his debts. 11.為得到我想要的東西,我愿意鋌而走險。 I'd risk everything to get.what I want. 12.船長,您為何在戰(zhàn)前要穿上紅衣,船長回答說:這樣就算我被刺傷,你們也看不到我流血 captain,why do you call for your red shirt before battle? the captain relies,:so that if I am stabbed,you will not see me bleed. 13.愛是責任的死穴 love is the death of duty. 先上兩張圖放松一下
every ambitious move is a gamble. 15.泰溫公爵對瑟曦說:我不信任你不是因為你是女人,而是你沒有你想象的那么聰明。
恐懼比利劍更傷人。 17.A mind needs books like a sword needs a whetstone. 要保持劍的鋒利就得時時磨拭,要保持頭腦靈光就得看書。 18.If we die, we die. But first we'll live. 如果我們一定要死,那就死唄。但首先要好好活著。 19.You waste time trying to get people to love you, you'll end up the most popular dead man in town. 把時間浪費在博得別人愛戴上,你會成為世界上受愛戴的死人。 20.Valar morghulis 凡人終逝