Analytical Graphs
Form of graphics used to put numeric data into objects that are easier to analyze, such as bar charts, line graphs, and pie charts.
Feature involving special visual and sound effects like moving pictures, audio, and video clips that play automatically when selected.
Application Software
Software that can perform useful work, such as word processing, cost estimating, or accounting tasks. The user primarily interacts with application software.
Basic Application
Applications used for doing common tasks, such as browsers and word processors, spreadsheets, databases, management systems, and presentation graphics. Also known as productivity applications.
Bulleted List
The sequence of topics arranged on a page and organized by bullets.
A special area you can click to make links that “navigate” through a presentation.
The space created by the intersection of a vertical column and a horizontal row within a worksheet in a program like Microsoft Excel. A cell can contain text or numeric entries.
Character Effect
Changes the appearance of font characters by using bold, italic, shadow, and colors.
Displaying numerical data in a worksheet as a pie chart or a bar chart, making it easier to understand.
Using Microsoft Excel, for example, a vertical block of cells one cell wide all the way down the worksheet.
Computer Trainer
Computer professional who provides classes to instruct users.
Content Template
Includes suggested content for each slide in a PowerPoint presentation.
Contextual Tab
A type of tab found in Microsoft Word that only appears when needed and anticipates the next operations to be performed by the user.
A collection of related information, like employee names, addresses, and phone numbers. It is organized so that a computer program can quickly select the desired pieces of information and display them for you.
Database management system (DBMS)
To organize, manage, and retrieve data. DBMS programs have five subsystems: DBMS engine, data definition, data manipulation, applications generation, and data administration. An example of a database management system is Microsoft Access. See Database manager.
Database Manager
Software package used to set up, or structure, a database such as an inventory list of supplies. It also provides tools to edit, enter, and retrieve data from the database.
Design Template
Provides professionally selected combinations of color schemes, slide layouts, and special effects for presentation graphics.
Dialog Box
Provides additional information and requests user input.
Any kind of text material.
Downloadable Office Suite
Office suite that is offered for free as downloadable software and then is stored on your desktop computer just like a traditional office suite.
Features that modify a document such as using a thesaurus, find and replace, or spell check.
Each column of information within a record is called a field. A field contains related information on a specific item like employee names within a company department.
Find and Replace
An editing tool that finds a selected word or phrase and replaces it with another. Click edit, find.
(1) A filter blocks access to selected Web sites. (2) A filter will locate or display records from a table that fit a set of conditions or criteria when using programs like Excel.
Also known as typeface, is a set of characters with a specific design.
Font Size
The height of a character measured in points, with each point being 1/72 inch.
Electronic forms reflecting the contents of one record or table. Primarily used to enter new records or make changes to existing records.
Electronic forms reflecting the contents of one record or table. Primarily used to enter new records or make changes to existing records.
Features that change the appearance of a document like font, font sizes, character effects, alignment, and bulleted and numbered lists.
Instructions for calculations in a spreadsheet. It is an equation that performs calculations on the data contained within the cells in a worksheet or spreadsheet.
A built-in formula in a spreadsheet that performs calculations automatically.
Feature of Microsoft Office 2007 that simplifies the process of making selections from a list of alternatives by replacing dialog boxes with visual presentations of results.
Grammar Checker
In word processing, a tool that identifies poorly worded sentences and incorrect grammar.
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Special screen that allows software commands to be issued through the use of graphic symbols (icons) or pull-down menus.
In Microsoft Word, each tab is organized into groups that contain related items.
Home Software
See Integrated package.
Graphic objects on the desktop used to represent programs and other files.
Integrated Package
A single program providing functionality of a collection of programs but not as extensive as a specialized program like Microsoft Word. Popular with home users who are willing to sacrifice some advanced features for lower cost and simplicity.
Provides structure to a worksheet by describing the contents of the rows and columns. See Text entry.
List of commands.
Menu Bar
Menus are displayed in a menu bar at the top of the screen.
Numbered List
Sequence of steps or topics on a page organized by numbers.
Numeric Entry
In a worksheet or spreadsheet, typically used to identify numbers or formulas.
Office Software Suites
See Productivity suites.
Office Suites
See Productivity suites.
Online Office Suite
Office suite stored online and available anywhere the Internet can be accessed.
In Microsoft PowerPoint, another name for slides.
Personal Software
See Integrated package.
For a monitor, a pointer is typically displayed as an arrow and controlled by a mouse. For a database, a pointer is a connection between a parent node and a child node in a hierarchical database.
Presentation Graphics
Graphics used to combine a variety of visual objects to create attractive and interesting presentations.
Productivity Suites
Also known as office suites; contain professional-grade application programs, including word processing, spreadsheets, and more. A good example is Microsoft Office.
A question or request for specific data contained in a database. Used to analyze data.
A series of continuous cells in a worksheet.
If you change one or more numbers in your spreadsheet, all related formulas will automatically recalculate and charts will be recreated.
Each row of information in a database is a record. Each record contains fields of data about some specific item, like employee name, address, phone, and so forth. A record represents a collection of attributes describing an entity.
Relational Database
A widely used database structure in which data is organized into related tables. Each table is made up of rows called records and columns called fields. Each record contains fields of data about a specific item.
Can be lists of fields in a table or selected fields based on a query. Typical database reports include sales summaries, phone lists, and mailing labels.
Feature of Microsoft Office 2007 that replaces menus and toolbars by organizing commonly used commands into a set of tabs.
A horizontal block of cells one cell high all the way across the worksheet.
A rectangular grid of rows and columns. See Spreadsheet or Worksheet.
A PowerPoint presentation is made up of many slides shown in different views and presentation styles.
Software Suite
Individual application programs that are sold together as a group.
Tool that rearranges a table’s records numerically or alphabetically according to a selected field.
Specialized Application
Programs that are narrowly focused on specific disciplines and occupations. Some of the best known are multimedia, Web authoring, graphics, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence.
Specialized Suite
Programs that focus on specialized applications such as graphics suites or financial planning suites.
Speech Recognition
The ability to accept voice input to select menu options, and to dictate text.
Spelling Checker
Program used with a word processor to check the spelling of typed text against an electronic dictionary.
Computer-produced spreadsheet based on the traditional accounting worksheet that has rows and columns used to present and analyze data.
A feature found in most word processors that quickly applies predefined formats.
System Software
"Background” software that enables the application software to interact with the computer. System software consists of the operating system, utilities, device drivers, and language translators. It works with application software to handle the majority of technical details.
Used to divide the ribbon into major activity areas, with each tab being organized into groups that contain related items.
Table (in database)
The list of records in a database. Tables make up the basic structure of a database. Their columns display field data and their rows display records. See Field and Record.
Text Entry
In a worksheet or spreadsheet, a text entry is typically used to identify or label information entered into a cell as opposed to numbers and formulas. Also known as labels.
A word processor feature that provides synonyms, antonyms, and related words for a selected word or phrase.
Bar located typically below the menu bar containing icons or graphical representations for commonly used commands.
Used to animate how a presentation moves from one slide to the next.
User Interface
Means by which users interact with application programs and hardware. A window is displayed with information for the user to enter or choose, and that is how users communicate with the program.
Utility Suite
A program that combines several utilities in one package to improve system performance. McAfee Office and Norton SystemWorks are examples.
What-if Analysis
Spreadsheet feature in which changing one or more numbers results in the automatic recalculation of all related formulas.
A rectangular area containing a document or message.
Word Processor
The computer and the program allow you to create, edit, save, and print documents composed of text.
Word Wrap
Feature of word processing that automatically moves the cursor from the end of one line to the beginning of the next.
Workbook File
Contains one or more related worksheets or spreadsheets. See Spreadsheet.
Also known as a spreadsheet, or sheet; a rectangular grid of rows and columns used in programs like Excel.