當(dāng)然,少不了女士們最愛的高跟鞋! 原來還有這么多種,想象一下能全部記住它們是一件多么拉轟的事情??!它們的英文是這樣噠: 那么多高跟鞋,是不是眼花繚亂呢? 那就先從3種基本款式開始吧~ 菜鳥選高跟鞋小Tips! 穿多高的鞋子才最適合自己呢? 飛兒來一招教大家選好合適自己的鞋子! 1. Stand up straight in the heels. Make sure your knees are straight. 穿上高跟鞋站直,膝蓋不能彎。 2. Try to lift yourself up out of the heels (1 inch). 踮起腳后跟,使腳后跟脫離鞋跟大約2.5厘米。 If you can, this means the pitch and height are good for you. 如果你能做到,說明這個(gè)鞋跟高度對(duì)你剛剛好。 If you can’t, this means the heel is probably too high for you to handle. 如果做不到,那可能鞋跟對(duì)你來說太高了。 怎樣才能穿著高跟鞋優(yōu)雅地走路? Heel then toe! Your walk should be as normal as possible. 穿高跟鞋走路的正確姿勢(shì)是:鞋跟先著地,然后再過渡到腳尖。 Practice walking around so you can get used to them! 新鞋記得要多在附近走走,適應(yīng)了再穿。 想把恨天高穿得如履平地, 妹紙你還有很長的路要走! |