掛號郵件回執(zhí)Advicebf Receipt (A.R.) 廣告副票Advertising Labels 航空集郵Aerophilately 航空簽條Airmail Label 航空郵票Airmail Stamp 航空郵資信封Airmail Stamped Envelope 到達戳Arrival Postmark 前日封Before Day Cover (B. D. C.) 雙色Bi—colors 對剖郵票Bisect 盲齒B1ixd Perforation 方連Block (B) 4方連Block of Four 臆造品Bogus 長尾Bottom Margin Imperf 漏蓋Cancellation Missed 蓋銷票Canceled Stamp 目錄Catalogue (Cat.) 目錄價Catalogue value (c/v) 圖幅居中Center 粉面紙Chalky Paper (C) 附捐郵票Charity Stamp 化學(xué)變色Chemical Color Changeling 化學(xué)膠Chemical Gum 光齒C1ean—cut Perforation 卷簡郵票Coil Stamp 郵票刷色Color 有色紙Colored Paper 紀念封Commemorative Envelope 紀念郵戳Commemorative Postmark 紀念郵票Commemorative Stamp 紀念郵資信封Commemorative Stamped Envelope 紀念郵資明信片Commemorative Stamped Postcard 復(fù)合齒孔Compound Perforation 品相Condition 折白Crease and Fold 護郵袋Crystal Mount 發(fā)行日期Date of Issue 面值Denon Lination 過橋Ditch 復(fù)蓋Double Cancellation 實寄封 Entire Cover 實寄片Entire Postcard 估價Estimated (Est) 展品評審Exhibit Evaluation 快遞簽條Express Labels 快遞郵票Express Stamp 褪色Fading 偽造品Fakery 偽造實寄封Faked Entire 偽造背膠Faked Gum 假無齒票Faked Imperforate Stamp 偽造齒孔Faked Perforation 假蓋銷票Faked Used Stamp 佳品Fine (F) 首日封First Day Cover (F.D.C.) 首日實寄封First Day Entire Cover 首航封First Flight Cover (F.F.C.) 橫縫漏齒Horizontal Line Perforation Dropped 橫中縫漏齒 Horizontal Middle Line Perforation Dropped 國際集郵展覽International Philatelic Exhibition 國際明信片International Postcard 國際回信券International Reply Coupon 倒蓋兼復(fù)蓋Inverted and Double Cancellation 倒蓋Inverted Cancellation 倒水印 Inverted Water Mark 風景日戳Landscape Datemark 風光郵資明信片Landscape stamped Postcard 尾日封Last Day Cover (L.D. C.) 左闊邊Left Mar.ginlmperf 郵簡Letter Sheet 文獻集郵Literature Philately 本埠明信片 Local Postcard 放大鏡Magnifier 馬耳他十字郵戳Maltese cross Postmark (M.C.) 手寫注銷Manuscript Cancellation 極限集郵Maximaphily 極限明信片Maximum Card 鑲嵌封Medalist Cover 中縫漏齒Middle Line Perforation Dropped 軍郵封 Military Postal Cover 軍用明信片Military Postmark 軍用郵戳Military Postcard 軍用郵票Military Stamp 小型張Miniature Sheet 新票Mint Stamp (M.)
混合齒孔Mixed Perforation 汽車郵局戳Mobile Post Office Chop 單色Mono—color 多色(彩色) Multi—color 賀年郵資明信片New Year Stamped Postcard 沒有粘貼過 Never Hinged (N.H.) 新聞紙郵票Newspaper Stamp 無面值郵票No Face value Stamp 無背膠 No Gum (N.G.) 公事郵票Official Stamp 漏齒Offical Sealing 郵局代封條Omitted Perforation 原膠Original Gum (O.G.) 加蓋郵票 Overprinted Stamp 雙連Pair 包裹郵票Parcel Post Stamp 部分原膠Part Gum (P.G.) 齒孔Perforation (Perf) 齒孔錯誤Perforation Error 量齒尺Perforation Gauge 齒孔移位Perforation Misplaced 集郵品Philatelic Collection 集郵展覽Philatelic Exhibition 郵集Philatelic Tiem 集郵文獻Philatelic Literature 集郵家Philatelist 集郵Philately 集郵愛好者Philately Lover 郵德Philately Morality 郵學(xué)家Philately Scholar 磷光郵票Phosphor Stamp 照相版Photography 影寫版Photogravure 雕刻影寫套印版Photogravure Combined with Engraving 美術(shù)郵資信封Picture Stamped Envelope 枚Piece 下品Poor Condition (P.) 郵局全張Post Office Sheet 郵資憑證Postage Certificate 欠資戳Postage—due Chop 欠資封Postage—due Cover 欠資郵票Postage—due Stamp 免資明信片Postage Free Postcard 郵票Postage Stamp 郵政史集郵Postal History Philately 郵政用品集郵Postal Stationery Philately 普通郵資明信片Postcard 已銷郵戳 Postmarked 珍罕Rare 掛號簽條Registered Label 普通郵票Regular Stamp 普通郵資信封Regular Stamped Envelope 普通郵資郵簡Regular Stamped Letter Sheet 普通郵資明信片Regular Stamped Postcard 右闊邊Right Marginlmperf 滾筒郵戳Roller Cancellation 毛齒 Rough Perforation 封口紙Sealing Stamp 套Set 郵票志號Serial Number 單色Single Colour 郵票圖幅Size of Design 郵票票幅Size of Stamp 宣傳戳Slogan Mark 小全張Souvenir Sheet (S.S. 或S/S) 特種郵票Special Stamp 樣票Specimen (S) 貼票冊Stamp A1bum 小本票(郵票冊)Stamp Booklet 郵票圖案Stamp Design 郵折Stamp Holder 航空郵資郵簡Stamped Aerogramme 郵資信封Stamped Envelope 郵資郵簡Stamped Letter Sheet 郵資明信片Stamped Postcard 輪船郵戳Steamer Postmark 插票冊 Stock Book 附票Tab 對倒票Tete Beche Pair 真品The Genuine 專題集郵Thematic Philately 郵票鑷子Tongs 高頭Top Marginlmperf 傳統(tǒng)集郵Traditional Philately 火車郵戳Train Postmark 雙面印 Two—side Print 信銷票(舊票)Used Stamp (U.) 枚數(shù)value (V.) 變體票Variety 植物膠Vegetable Gum 直縫漏齒Vertical Line Perforation Dropped 直中縫漏齒Vertical Middle Line Perforation Dropped 洗去背膠Washed Gum 水印Watermark (WMK) 水印檢查器Watermark Detect6r 水印錯誤Watermark Error 世界集郵展覽World Philatelic Exhibition 郵票有皺紋Wrinkle (Wr) 青少年集郵 Youth Philately