is the most common roadblock on the journey to success. Patience is knowing that Rome wasn’t built in a day. Your habits were not formed overnight, you did not gain weight in a matter of days, similarly, you cannot break old habits or change yourself in jiffy. Think of an artist, a sculptor or a builder. They keep working on their project, one stroke, one brick at a time. If you are serious about gaining body mass or losing weight, improving your skills at tennis or boosting your memory, you must not forego patience. When you stay course, taking one step at a time, you will finish a journey of thousand miles before long.

3. Persistence

“It’s not that I’m smarter, I just stay with problems longer.” ~ Albert Einstein

When you are persistent, results certainly show through. And with positive results, it becomes easier to be motivated. Patience thrives in the persistent mind. Imagine a tennis match between two champions. The one who can patiently and consistently play one good shot after the other, staying persistent, will eventually win over the other opponent. One common trait among the most successful across the globe has been their persistence. When you are persistent, new ideas spring up automatically.

4. Discipline

He who cannot establish dominion over himself will have no dominion over others.  - Leonardo Da Vinci

We are often motivated by the results, by the joy of reaching at the destination. The primary difference between an elusive dream and a real goal is that the latter has discipline and action. Discipline is sticking to your mental and physical routine, it’s going by the plan, it’s about following your course of action. The best way to follow any discipline is to ignore your heart. For example, you committed yourself to hit the gym four times a week. Today, you are feeling lazy and don’t want to go to the gym. All you’ve got to do is not listen to your mind. Just get to the gym. Once there, you will find it easy to do your workout.

5. Visualization

“Thoughts become things.” ~ Buddha

This one is less shared by the successful people. When you are patient, persistent, positive and disciplined, your thoughts become really powerful. That is the view shared by many yogic texts as well. Your will-power and calmness in the mind gets a massive boost. You can then carry out your visualizations with much greater success. Visualization can have amazing, if not miraculous, effect in keeping you motivated and helping you realize your goals. With a wavering mind and weak resolve, law of attraction will remain a mythical concept. (A while ago I wrote on how to make law of attraction work for you. It requires a certain type of mindset. For better understanding, you can read up here.)

Go on! Take life by the horns and dictate your own terms. Succeeding is a habit too. It’s the one worth cultivating.