


 storeroom 2012-09-22




   黃燦燦的野花是德州春天的主角,紅艷艷的野花更是搶眼的配角,為德州春天涂抹強烈的個性。去年,去野營的地方四處盛開著印度毯(Indian blanket)和火焰草(Indian Paintbrush),印象深刻,最讓我溫馨的回憶是“酒杯”(Winecup),在我做家教的學生中,有三個孩子來自同一個美國家庭,他們的媽媽為他們開辦“家庭學?!保╤ome school),每年春天,他們的媽媽也要帶他們到大自然當中認識花草,是學習的一部分,正好跟我的教學理念和設計也不謀而合,去年,我上中文課的一個主題就是野花,不想有一天這三兄妹在我上課前送給我了一朵“酒杯”,他們還能用中文說,讓我驚喜了好一陣子!



去年拍的印度毯(Indian blanket



 藍色為德克薩斯州州花,羽扇豆bluebonnet,我喜歡叫她“藍貝蕾”,紅色便是火焰草Indian Paintbrush


Indian Paintbrush, paintbrush,火焰草
Scientific Name: (Castilleja spp.)
Definition: Brightly colored tips of the petal look like they've been dipped in brilliant paint. Colors can vary from scarlet to orange, cream, yellow and occasionally purple. Paintbrushes grow throughout the state and bloom in early spring.



墨西哥帽子Mexican Hat
Scientific Name: (Ratibida columnaris)
Definition: Mexican Hat is named for a flower that looks strickingly like the traditional high-crowned, broad-brimmed Mexican sombrero. Common throughout most of Texas, Mexican Hat blooms from May to July.



Basket Flower,籃子花。因花下苞片形同籃子而得名,盛開在整個德州,花期從六月到七月。
Scientific Name: (Centaurea americana)
Definition: Basket Flower has feathery pink outer ray flowers surrounding a creamy center of disk flowers. Underneath the flower are straw-colored bracts that resemble a woven basket. Basket flower grows throughout most of Texas, and blooms from June to July.


Claret Cup,本是一種冰鎮(zhèn)紅酒混合飲料,由紅葡萄酒混合蘇打水、果汁、白蘭地和糖而制成的冰鎮(zhèn)飲料。

Scientific Name: (Echinocereus triglochidiatus)
Definition: Cactus which grows in clumps sometimes 3 - 4 feet across. Bright red-orange flowers may cover the entire plant for an attractive display. Blooms April - May.





Crimson Clover克里姆森三葉草,紅三葉草
Scientific Name: (Trifolium incarnatum)
Definition: Crimson clover is non native but grows well in North Texas. Deep red flowers are packed together in a cone shape and rise on a stem. Adapts well to different soil types. Blooms March - May.





Grass Pink
Scientific Name: (Calopogon pulchellus)
Definition: One of many fascinating orchids found in the tangled swamps of the Big Thicket area in Southeast Texas. Grass pinks and other unique species are becoming increasingly scarce as human activities threaten their habitats.



Horse Crippler (Devil's Head),魔鬼頭,常常貼地生長,離地1-2英寸,最多達12英寸,所以很難被發(fā)現,馬常踩上而變瘸,所以得名Horse Crippler,花開四月到五月。
Scientific Name: (Echinocactus texensis, Cactus Family)
Definition: Horse Crippler usually grows 1 - 2 inches above ground and up to 12 inches across. For this reason it can be hard to see, and many horses have been crippled from stepping on it. It usually has one stem, sometimes 2 or 3. Blooms are bell shaped and inverted. Petals are salmon colored (or pink) and about 1 - 2 inches across and about as tall. Petals have a feathery appearance at the edge. Anthers are pink to red, and the pistil is conspicuously yellow. Blooms April - May.



Surprise Lilly(驚喜百合)開花晚,要到九月、十月,屬孤挺花,有時被稱作naked lady lilies
Scientific Name: (Lycoris squamigera)
Definition: "Late Bloomer", Surprise Lilly blooms in September, October. Belongs to Amaryllis family. Sometimes called naked lady lilies.






Red Corn Poppies紅罌粟,本是歐洲本地植物,后馴化于美國。
Scientific Name: (Papaver rhoeas)
Definition: Red corn poppies are native to Europe but have naturalized in the US. These poppies have large, bright red petals with a purplish black center. 2 - 2 1/2 feet tall.






Scientific Name: (Callirhoe digitata)
Definition: Winecup grows in most parts of the state except the west. Flowers bloom in early spring along roadsides, open woods, prairies, scrub lands, thickets, and hillsides. The flower has 5 petals, is deeply cupped, and white near the base.

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