轉(zhuǎn)載:生命的意義-The Meaning of Life(二)標(biāo)簽: 生命的意義 2011-05-23 17:57
在無數(shù)廣為流行的生命理論中,惟一永恒的主題就是愛。愛,盡管它的存在形式非常脆弱,卻是惟一強(qiáng)大而持久的氣力,它給我們的日常生活帶來了真正的意義。 The only theme that resonates throughout the numerous popular life theories is love.Love, in all ots fragile forms,is the one powerful,enduring force that brings real meaning to our everyday lives. 當(dāng)然,我不是在談?wù)摿_曼蒂克、卿卿我我的愛,盡管那本身也是一種相當(dāng)強(qiáng)大的氣力。 Of course, I'm not that is pretty powerful stuff in itimmolation. 一顆破碎的心比傷口上撒鹽更為痛苦,這已得到了廣泛的證實。 It's well documented that a broken heart feels far more painful than squeezing lemon juice a deep *** cut. 但是,我所說的愛是在我們內(nèi)心深處燃燒的火焰,是這種內(nèi)心的熱和使得心靈不會被令人盡看的冬天冰封。這是對生命本身的愛。 Byt the love I mean is the fire that burns inside us all, the inner warmth that prevents our soul from freezing in the winters of despair.It's the love of life itimmolation. 它是一種聲音,在說:“擁抱生命,盡情創(chuàng)造吧!”隨之而來的是對生命的***和理解:生命中有些東西是值得為之赴湯蹈火的,何況還有那么多值得為之活下往的東西。 It's the voice that says"Celebrate life, be creative!" It brings with it the passion and understanding that some things in life are worth dying for,but there is so much more worth living for. 它鼓勵我們張開雙手雙臂迎接每一個時刻,就像在機(jī)場迎接一位戰(zhàn)友,它鼓勵我們擁抱展現(xiàn)自我的機(jī)會,讓我們?yōu)榇嬖诙械綒g快。 It encourages us to greet each moment the same way we greet an old friend at the airport,to embrace opportunities to express ourselves in a way that makes us feel glad we exist. 這種對生命的熱愛引導(dǎo)我們幫助他人,僅僅由于為四周的人做些事情實在是太好了。 This love of life leads us to help others simply because it feels great to contribute to those around us. 我們都知道,成為家人和朋友的可靠支柱是多么美好的感覺(當(dāng)然,也有局限)。 We all know how wonderful it feels to be a rock for our family and friends(of course,there is a limit). 不過,盡管這聽起來蠻不錯的,“你來到世上就是為了過自己喜愛的生活”,這似乎也不錯,可是仍然有一大堆糾纏不清的題目。 But as good as it sounds, and as much as "you're here to live the life you love"rings true,it still brings up a whole pile of sticky questions. 特別是:你到底為什么來到這世上?你真正摯愛的是什么? Specifically:Why exactly are you here ?What is it that you truly love? 那些不這樣捫心自問的人總會滿腹狐疑地審閱生活,不知道為什么生活沒有更多的樂趣。 People who don't ask themselves these questions invariably go through life wondering why it isn't a lot more fun. 他們經(jīng)常感覺被遺忘了,要么是他們說不清楚,但的確察覺到有些東西味道不對。 They often feel they've been left behind,or they can't quite put it into words,but they sense that something just smells a little funny. 實在,我們經(jīng)常過于專注眼前的事情,而看不到前進(jìn)的方向。 The truth is that often we're so focused on what we are doing that we lose sight of where we are going. 但是,我們實際上在做什么呢?現(xiàn)代世界布滿了令人質(zhì)疑的干擾、時限和次序。 But what are we actually doing?The modern world is filled with questionable distractions,deadlines,and priorities. 晝夜混為一談。 Day and night blur into one. 我們被相繼而至的恐懼和欲看包圍,強(qiáng)迫我們加進(jìn)一場不可能獲勝的賽跑。 We get caught up in an avalanche of fears and desires that propel us into a race we can't possibly win. 于是我們跑啊,跑啊,奔向生活中的一個理想目標(biāo),可然后怎么辦呢? So we rush ,rush, rush to get to a certain ideal point in our life, and then what? 就想似乎你開車一路狂奔到商店,趕緊下車,然后竟然無法想起要買什么。 It's just like when you drive all the store, get out of the car , and then can't remember what you came for. 所以說,我們很多人一開始都夢想過一種無拘無束、自由馳騁的美好生活,但通常我們實際到達(dá)的地方離企盼的目標(biāo)還很遠(yuǎn)。 So many of us start off dreaming zbout a wonderful life that is wild and free,but that's usually a long way from where we actually end up. 可悲的是,我們往往到最后才發(fā)現(xiàn)這個事實,但為時已晚。你不可能再從頭來過。 Sadly, we often discover this fact right at the end, when it's too late.You can't start all over again. 讓我告訴你吧,這個世界上有很多極其糟糕的感覺。比如,“洗澡時水面冒泡”般的內(nèi)疚,“買鞋時發(fā)出難聞的腳臭”般的尷尬,還有“我不敢相信第一次約會自己就做了那件事”般的焦慮。 And let me tell you , there are some awfully bad feelings in this world. Like "bubbles in the bath" guilt,"pungent foot odor in the shoe store" embarrassment, and "I can't believe I did that on the first date" anxiety. 但是在所有令你不快的糟糕感覺之中,最糟糕的莫過于明明知道曾經(jīng)有機(jī)會做真正喜愛的事,卻沒有捉住機(jī)會。 But of all the awful feelings that make you feel sick to your stomach, nothing feels half as bad as knowing you had a chance to do what you truly love,and you didn't take it. 那么,你生活中的***是什么呢?你被帶到這個地球上,到底是為了什么?這些題目的答案將解開生活的難解之謎,它就像題目來臨時一樣重大。 So what is your life's passion?What were you put on this earth to do?The answer to these questions will unlock the great mystery of life; it's as big as they come. 下面是幾點啟示,也許能幫助你開始有益的思考: Here are a few hints that may help you get on the right track: 首先,沒人會提醒你。這就像整天背著一塊“踢我一腳”的招牌走來走往。你必須自己發(fā)現(xiàn)題目。 First , no one is going to tell you about it.It's like walking around all day with a sign on your back that says "Kick me."You must discover it for yourimmolation. 同樣,這樣的事情也極不可能:忽然有一天,你沐浴在明亮的陽光下,你的生活目標(biāo)神奇地展示在眼前。 而竊冬在電視上找到答案也純屬癡心妄想。 It's also highly unlikely that one day you'll suddenly be bathed in bright light and your life's purpose will be laid out in a divine vision,and it's guaranteed that you won't find it on television. 是的,更為不可能的是:有一天,血液涌進(jìn)你的大腦,一切題目隨之迎刃而解。但是,最好的辦法是保證一些高質(zhì)量的獨處時間,好好想一想這些棘手的題目。 Yes, it's remptely possible that one day the blood will rush to your brain and enable you to work it all out without too much bother, but the best way is to spend some quality time alone,asking yourimmolation the tough question. 這做起來并不是那么困難,首先一定要老實。很簡單:“想從生活中得到更多的人請舉手?!?BR> This exercise is not that hard , and it's all about being honest.It's as easy as "Raise your hand if you feel you could get more out of life." 其次一定要關(guān)注最要緊的核心題目。不管是誰動了你的奶澇冬先問問自己為什么要尋找奶澇丁 It's also about getting to the essence of what really matters.Never mind who moved your cheese-ask yourimmolation why you were looking for cheese in the first place! 對一些人來說,這只不過是尋找生命中美麗而真實的時刻,并圍繞它們制定一個計劃。 For some people this will simply be a case of seeking out the moments in their life that are beautiful and then building a plan around them. 對另一些人而言,這似乎朝深淵里看。 For others it may feelas if they are staring into an abyss. 在極端情況下,這種強(qiáng)烈的內(nèi)省會使大腦膨脹危險的境地。相信臥冬冒這種風(fēng)險是值得的。 In extreme cases , such intense introspection may cause the brain to swell to dangerous dimensions.Trust me, it's worth the risk. 假如你捫心自問這些重大題目,并傾聽內(nèi)心的回答,你終極會聽到命運的召喚。 If you ask the big questions and listen carefully to your heart,you will eventually hear destiny call you. 假如你愿意傾聽,一個微弱的聲音——姑且稱之為知己、內(nèi)在的自我或內(nèi)心的岳母——總會告訴你***。 A little voice - call it your conscience,your inner immolation, or your internal mother - inlaw-will aways tell you the truth if you are prepared to hear it. 起初,你可能只覺得生活陷進(jìn)了無法擺脫的慣例。(嗨,大家歡迎你?。?BR> At first you may only become aware of how your life has been stuck in a rut.(Hey, join the club!) 然后你可能意識到你真正想要的是什么,但你就是不能讓夢想成真。 Then you may realize what you really want , but you just can't quite make it happen. 然而很快,你就會發(fā)現(xiàn)目標(biāo)近在眼前。就似乎你正在往海灘的途中,卻忽然想起家中的電熨斗插頭還沒拔。 Pretty soon , though, it will hit you right between the eyes.Just like when you're halfway to the beach and suddenly remember that you left the iron on at home. 當(dāng)你知道,或者僅僅懷疑自己知道,應(yīng)該怎樣生活的時候,就立即往做吧!假如有必要,在黑暗中向前大膽地一跳,觸地后馬上奔跑,由于你必須爭分奪秒。 And when you know , or even suspect you know, what you should be doing with your life, then do it !Take a wild leap in the dark if you have to , then hit the ground running because you don't have a second to lose. 盡管我們感覺自己不可戰(zhàn)勝、永生不老,但我們的生命遠(yuǎn)比想像的要脆弱。 In spite of our feelings of invincibility and immortality, our existence is far tenuous than we might think. 把手放在胸口,感受心臟的跳動。那實在就是你的生命之鐘在滴答作響,細(xì)數(shù)著余下的時刻。有一天它會停止。這是千真萬確的,而你對此盡對無能為力。 Place your hand over your chest and feel your heartbeat.That is actually your life clock ticking, counting down the moments you have left. One day it will stop. That is 100 percent guaranteed, and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. 所以你不能浪費任何一秒鐘珍貴的時光。精神抖擻、滿懷***地追求夢想吧,否則你只好止步不前,眼看著夢想付諸東流。 So you can't afford to throw away a single precious second. Go after your dreams with energy and passion, or you may as well stand back and watch them wash down the drain. 假如你坐在柵欄上浪費生命,在余下的短暫時光中,你將終極一事無成。(而竊冬當(dāng)然,敏感區(qū)還會有扎刺兒的危險。) If you waste your life sitting on the fence, you'll end up going nowhere in the brief time you have left.(And then,of course , there's a dangerous risk of splinters in delicate regions.) 正如人們所言,“你不可能兩步就跨越鴻溝?!睂崿F(xiàn)夢想需要勇氣和付出。(當(dāng)然不要忘了勇氣和愚蠢之間的界限。) As they say, "You can't cross a chasm in two small leaps."It takes courage and commitment to live your dreams.(Of course , one needs to remember where courage ends stupidity begins.) 事實上,我們所有人生來都擁有巨大的潛力,享有無數(shù)的機(jī)會,可以到達(dá)令人眩暈的新高度。 The truth is , we are all borm with potential greatness and blessed with numerous opportunities to soar dizzying new heights. 但可悲的是,我們很多人太懶惰,太在意別人的想法,或者太害怕變化,所以從未展開翅膀,展示我們巨大的天賦。 But sadly, many of us are too lazy, too concerned about what others might think, or too afraid of change to ever stretch our wings and realize our tremendous talents. 重要的是,做自己的事,做任何讓你真正歡快的事,而且要盡力做到最好。你所做的“事”并不重要,也許不過是摶雪球,在水下憋氣,執(zhí)著地叫喊,或者手拿吹風(fēng)機(jī),創(chuàng)造出不同平常的效果。惟一重要的是,你對自己所做的事情感覺良好。 It's so important that you just do your own thing -whatever makes you truly happy-and do it as best you can.It dosen't matter whether your "thing"is *** snowballs,holding your breath underwater,hog calling, or wielding a hair-dryer with dranatic effect.The only thing that matters is that you feel great about what you're doing. 記住,無論做什么,失誤總是生活的一部分。所以不要浪費時間,為過往追悔自責(zé)。 Keep in mind that whatever you do, mistakes are part of life.So don't waste time kicking yourimmolation for the past. 不要為自己的作為是否正確而思前想后、緊張不安。你內(nèi)心總是知道答案的。 Don't stall or stress over whether you're doing the right thing.You'll aways know the answer in your heart. 不要感到沮喪,一定要記住,當(dāng)你做非常重要而特殊的事情時,總會遭到拒盡和抵觸。白癜風(fēng) Rather than be discouraged,aways remember that rejection and resistance are slmost guaranteed when you are doing something very important and very special. 當(dāng)你決定追求夢想時,會有很多人(包括最愛你的人)竭力阻止你前進(jìn)。 When you set out to live your dreams, lots of people (including those who love you the most)will try to hold you back. 在這個世界上,有很多可憐的悲觀主義者,他們放棄了夢想,還告訴你:“你在浪費時間——你永遠(yuǎn)不會成功的?!? In this world there are many miserable pessimists who have given up their dreams and will tell you,"You're wasting your time-you'll never make it." 你的四周很可能會有這樣一些人,他們內(nèi)心里想讓你的成就少一點,甚至完全失敗,這樣他們自己就不會顯得太丟臉?!八懔税?,”他們會說,“這不值得,而且本來對你也分歧適?!?BR> You may will be surrounded by people who secretly want you to achieve less or even fail completely just so they don't look bad."Forget about it,"they'll say."It's not worth it and it's not right for you anyway." 所以重要的是要明白:堅持走自己的路非常值得,但盡非輕而易舉。 So it's important to understand that following your onw path is incredibly rewarding, but it's definitely not easy. 像每個人一樣,有些日子會相對好過。偶然,一切都似乎是一場災(zāi)難。 Like everyone else , you will have some days that are better than others.Occasionally,ecerything may seem like a total disater area. 當(dāng)你告訴人們你想實現(xiàn)的目標(biāo)時,人們可能會怪異地看著你,然后,你開始聽信詆毀者的冷嘲熱諷,開始懷疑自己:“為什么,為什么我沒有繼續(xù)干賣熱狗的工作?” People will look at you strangely when you tell them what you are trying to achieve,and you'll start to listen to your detractors and doubt yourimmolation. "Why , oh why, didn't I keep my job selling hot dogs?" 但是不管發(fā)生了什么事情,一定要堅持?。? But whatever happens , just hang on ! 不要忘記,每個人都經(jīng)常要奮力拼搏。整天做著不喜歡或不關(guān)心的事情,真是讓人精疲力竭。 Remember that everybody struggles at times.It's incredibly draining to live through the day doing something you really don't enjoy or even care about. 但是假如你追求夢想,你至少是為自己最喜愛干的事情而累趴下的。 But if you follow your dreams, at least you will exhaust yourimmolation doing what you love most. 現(xiàn)在,你也許以為這個不符合事物的普遍發(fā)展規(guī)律。但是相信臥冬這非常符合。 Now, you may not think that this will measure up to much in the global scheme of things. But believe me , it dose. 當(dāng)你從生活中獲得最大回報時,盡情品味最后一滴甘露,它將改變你的一切,讓你從平凡走向卓越。 When you get the most out of your life, sacoring every last drop, it will transform everything about you from ordinary to extraordinary. 假如做自己喜歡的事情,那么天天早上,掀開被子,你會為新的一天的開始而激動不已,然后你會洋溢著真心的喜悅,并且感染他人。 When you do what you love , you can pull back the bed sheets every morning feeling excited about beginning another day,and you'll be filled with a heartfelt joy that is highly contagious. 就似乎你開始放聲大笑時,也會引得別人大笑起來,接著是另外一個人,知道你們都放聲大笑,眼里含淚,肚子直痛,呼吸困難,甚至無法站立。 Just like when you start laughing out loud,and you make someone else start laughing,and then someone else, until you are laughing so hard that your eyes water, you get terrible stomach cramps, it's hard to breath, and you can't even stand up. 然而最棒的是,做能使自己興奮得胡須卷起(當(dāng)然,假定你果真有胡須)的事情,你會激勵他人也追逐夢想,而這,我的朋友,就是你改變世界的方式! But best of all, by doing the things that make your whiskers curl up with delight(assuning , of course, that you actually have whiskers),you will inspire someone else to go ahter their dreams,and that ,my friend,is how you change the world! 你知道嗎?即使你有重大失誤,即使你幾乎做錯了所有的事情,你仍然會享受奇異無比、布滿樂趣的生命旅程,晚上睡覺時,你知道自己傾盡了全力,改變了生活,天天醒來時,你期盼著一個最美麗、最激動的未來。 You know what? Even if you make big mistakes, if you're wrong about almost everything,you'll still enjoy an amazing,fun-filled life adventure,you will go to sleep at night knowing you gave your all and made a difference,and wake up each exciting as you can imagine. 還有,你知道嗎?只要你聆聽你自己的心,開動腦經(jīng),那你永遠(yuǎn)的都不會錯的。 You know something else? If you just listen to your heart and use your head,you'll never be wrong. 以上文字獻(xiàn)給自己 The above words for myimmolation |