國外教育技術網(wǎng)上資源推薦2005年3月修訂 1.印地安那大學教學系統(tǒng)技術系
Indiana University /Department of I Instructional Systems Technology
Department History
Charles M. Reigeluth
Thomas Schwen
Thomas M. Duffy
2. 哈佛大學學習技術中心(LTC) 3. 威尼州立大學教學技術 Wayne State University Instructional Technology program
The History of Instructional Technology at Wayne State University
4. 猶他州立大學教學技術 專家:David Merrill
5. 亞里桑納州立大學 教育技術 Arizona State University/Division of Psychology in Education Educational Technology Program
6.雪城大學教學設計開發(fā)與評價 Syracuse University /School of Education Instructional Design, Development & Evaluation,
網(wǎng)站:ERIC Clearinghouse on Information & Technology
7. 圣地亞哥州立大學教育技術 San Diego State University,College of Education,Educational Technology
8.佛羅里達州立大學學習系統(tǒng)學院 Florida State University/Learning Systems Institute 研究機構:
The Office for Needs Assessment and Planning
http://www.onap./ Center for Performance Technology
佛羅里達州立大學教學系統(tǒng) FSU Instructional Systems
9.佐治亞大學教學技術 Instructional Technology College of Education University of Georgia
專家:Michael Hannafin
Professor Thomas C. Reeves
10. 佐治亞州立大學 中學教育與教學技術 Georgia State University Middle/Secondary Education and Instructional Technology
網(wǎng)站:Instructional Technology Research Online (InTRO)
11. 哥倫比亞大學學習技術學院 Columbia University Teachers College
12.北卡羅來那大學教育技術系 university of northern colorado(UNC),Department of Educational Technology
13.北亞里桑納大學教育技術 Educational Technology at Northern Arizona University
14.休斯頓大學 教學技術 University of Houston Instructional Technology
二、績效技術網(wǎng)站資源推薦 2005年3月修訂 1. International Society for Performance Improvement
2. Center for Performance Technology
3. HSA
5. Performance Improvement Quarterly
7. University of Colorado at Denver . School of Education Performance Technology
8. American Society for Training & Development
9. The Office for Needs Assessment and Planning
10. Omnicomassociates